


长期 or permanent relocation of an individual or grp of ppl from one area to another

Such movement expanded the 资源基础available, facilitated overall 人口增长 & stimulated 文化改变 by requiring ongoing adaptation to new environmental circumstances

A perticular kind of mobitlity that involves

a change of residence

the time spent in the new location

the political boundaries crossed

the geographoc character of the two areas involved

the no. of person involved

the cultural & economic characteristics of those moving


Push Factors

Pull Factors


Preferences / Desires that造成人们移民去别的国家

Limited personal, family, career prospects

文化或政治oppression (压迫) or discrimination

Localized recession (局部衰退) coz of declining regional income

Disasters - 水灾 地震 战争

Improved personal growth opportunities


Superior career prospects & increased regional income

Preferable environment (climate, housing, medical care, schools)

Free Migration

Mass Migration

Forced Migration

Illegal Migration

Primitive Migration 原始迁移

The person 选择 stay or move

An early human adaption to environmental conditions, ppl respond to an unfavorable environment by leavng it in search of 一个更有利的环境

Hunting & gathering grps may migrate regulary as the资源of an area are depleted or as game animals move on; 一些农业grps might move as soil loses fertility

其他例子:when populations increas in size so that additional land is needed

Slavery奴隶制 was a significant institution in early civilizations such as those of Greece & Rome. Slaves 被迫迁移 from areas occupied by the Romans made up the largest portion of Rome's population at its peak

In the late nineteenth century, 来自中国、印度尼西亚(爪哇)和印度的工人were shipped to the new European-controlled plantations of Malaysia, Sumatra (now Indonesia), Burma (now Myanmar), Ceylon (now Sri Lanka), and Fiji.

Most migration within counteries, regional or more local, continues to be primarily economic in motivation, being related to employment, 收入潜力, 住房市场

prompted by push–pull factors that are widely experienced and involve large no. of ppl.

包括movement from densely settled countries to less densely settled ones

Example, 1800- 1914, when some 70 million ppl migrated from Europe to temperate areas such as the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, and Argenti

those who consciouly violate immigration law

Desperate push factors (overpopulation, political turmoil, economic crises) combine with irresistible pull factors (高工资, 大量就业机会)

Example, Mexicans move into US every night, the boarder sees many attempts at illegal immigration