SSR Form Submission

All other concerns (Question #7)

Sexual Violence Concern (Question #6)

Academic Concern (Question #5)

Academic Integrity

Risk of withdrawal


General Academic Support

These all get directed to Andrew Mills

These all get directed to Sarah Clermont

Mental Health Concern

Physical Health Concern

Conduct/Behavioural Concern

Sexual Violence Concern (person who did harm)

Staff and Faculty Support

These all get directed to Terra Nevrencan

Sexual Violence Concern (survivor)

If any of the options are selected send an email to Andrew at

If this is selected send an email to

If any of these options are selected send an e-mail to

If none of these are selected don't send this form to Andrew

If Sexual Violence Concern (Survivor) is not selected don't send this to Sarah C

If none of the other concerns are selected don't send this to Terra N