relationship between bishop of rome and emperor
imperial governance
Charlemagne/Leo 800
Greg VII/ Henry IV and Canossa
Great schism -papal authority 2 popes
relationship with eastern empire declining
7 electors Electoral college set up
papal council of trent counter revolution proposals impossible to accept for emperor
Protestant challenge
1419 Hussites
shared financial and military assistance
imperial estates and mixed monarchy
rights of local towns and areas
concordat of vienna 1448 rdelineated papacy and empire
social conflicts - princes/knights/peasants given access to the supreme court
growth of habsburg empire 15/16 century
maximillians reforms
Reichstags at Worms 1495 - common tax levy, matricular arrangements
defender of western roman christendom
reichkammergericht to arbitrate on disputes
Charles V
sacking of rome
siege of vienna by turks
1555 Peace of augsburg legitimised protestantism within the Emire and resolved the first conflics of the reformation extended systems of collaboration and regional autonomies
30 years war and westphalia - reinforced mixed monarchy
Modern europe
french ambitions destablised hRE borders - Louis XiV
increasing power and status in wars of individual HRE princes and states
absolutism in states with less autonomy for local nobles
Turkish challenges from south
the wars of succession created outlaw states within the empire - bavaria and cologne who sided with france
austrian succession created interregnum
significant austro-prussian conflict
austria first policies of joseph ii
french wars - francis abdicatws and dissolves the empire - 16 swear loyalty to Napoleon
freedoms but not equality
brokerage and negotiation - hubs and spokes - divide and rule
habsburgs personaly catholic but tolerant of protestants
france and spain became the popes champions
1708 austria invaded papal states
1780s joseph dissolved jesuits and closed many monasteries