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Mausoleum of Augustus


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largest circular tomb in the world, 87 metres diameter

word mausoleum comes from Mausolus at Halicarnassus

28BC on Campus Martius

nearby is the horologium and the ara pacis, forms a complex of eternal legacy

structure capped by conical roof and statue of augustus

one of the first things built after his victory at Actium, and helps to confirm that his focus was on Rome - Mark Antony had wanted to move capital to Alexandria, so this shows that Aug is loyal to Rome

Prima Porta Statue (last used in 2013)




believed to be a copy of an original bronze version displayed at Rome. could have been commissioned by Tiberius, but stood in the Villa of Livia (augustus' wife)

stands at 6 foot 10 inches

the cuirass depicts the return of Parthian standards, which was one of Augustus' best military achievements

this happened in 20BC, so the bronze original must be some time after this

he is shown barefoot, akin to gods

cuirass also shows the god Mars, and personifications of territories he had conquered, like Hispania, Gaul, Germania, Parthia

a visual parallel to Horace's carmen saeculare

at the top we see Caelus the sky god spreading the tent of the sky

a sphinx on each soldier - shows how he defeated cleopatra

The small Cupid (son of Venus) at his feet (riding on a dolphin, Venus's patron animal) is a reference to the claim that the Julian family were descended from the goddess Venus

M. Holconius Rufus statue




statue depicting M Holconius Rufus, of Pompeii, in roman body cuirass

the cuirass could have originally been carved for an imperial portrait, with the head of Rufus carved later and added on

originally adorned with pigment to have black sandals, suitable for a patrician

and a purple toga

it was very rare for a private citizen to be shown in a cuirass, as this was more suitable for emperors

either way, we see Rufus commemorated as if he was of a much higher status


mentioned by Augustus in chapter 34 of his RGDA

clipeus virtutis

awarded to augustus for his 'virtue, clemency, justice and piety" by the senate

later depicted on coins also, Augustus very proud of this award
