In The Princess Kaguya and Snow White, both humans and nature play a large role in the story.
In The Princess Kaguya, her happiness and joy stems from the people that she used to spend time with (Sutemaru) and the fun activities she was able to engage in while outside. Humans take care of her and play a large role in the story as they are ultimately what she will miss most about the planet Earth.
In Snow White nature plays the largest role out of any of the films. For a good portion of the film Snow White's only company were animals from nature. Eventually they save her life by alerting the Dwarves, leading to the death of the Queen and Snow White's ultimate happiness. In this movie humans play the smallest role out of all three movies. Although she is happy with the Prince, he was not in the majority of the movie and Snow White is able to carry out her daily life in nature.
In contrast to the other stories, nature plays almost no role in Stardust but humans play a very large role. They are what leads to his eternal happiness (Yvaine) and are what raised him. Additionally, they make up the majority of the interactions that her had, with all of the sons to the king, his mother, father, Victoria, Humphrey and many others. In the story nature is apart of the plot but is only used in the setting and is not vital to Tristan's success.