" the process of making an area more urban."





Rural to urban migrations - in developing countries, urbanisation usually occurs when people move from villages to settle in cities in hopes of getting a better standard of living. Driven by push and pull factors. E.g. employment opportunities.

Natural increase in Population

in 2012 52.5% of global population lives in cities, by 2022 56.9% of global population lived in cities.

IBIS World projects the rate of urbanisation in Australia to increase by 1.32% in 2023-24.

Top three countries with the highest urban growth are Rwanda, Qatar and United Arab Emirates recording growth rates of 9.3%, 7.9% and 7.5%

Same recourses - more people = decreased recourses per person.

Air pollution- clearing land by deforestation releasing CO2

Congestion = faster rate of spread for contagious diseases

Traffic congestion - increased travel times between same distance

Developing Nations produce poor infostructure

Improve ways cities are developed/ engineered

Create private-public partnerships to provide services such as waste disposal and housing

Combat poverty by promoting economic development and job creation

Increased waste

Sustainable development - taking into account the need to protect the environment and conserve recourses for future generations.

Improving public transportation to reduce congestion

Encouraging economic development in rural areas

Promoting population health programs in rural areas