the returned
there are no racial minorities throughout the season, this could have been done to reflect the low amount of ethnic minorities in the alps
the zombies have connotations of refugees, in 2012 there was an influx of refugees in France, the mob of zombies walking together could reflect the groups of refugees that walk through france
the "Othering" of the group of zombies has connotations of the demonization of the refugees from the mainstream media
strong independent female characters, connotations of fourth wave feminism which took place 20 years before, women are strong and independent. Julie and Lucy
Also female characters that are represented stereotypically, claire and adele rely on men, crying unti lhusband gets home for adele, calling jerome for claire
Men are represented as being logical and reasonable, this is represented where Jerome goes to a grief group. He also belittles Claire by not believing what she says about Camille, only believing her when she sees her for himself.
Men are constantly in positions of power throughout the episode, the head of police, the priest, the doctor and the head of the helping hand are all men
parents are represented as being responsible, the ones who children go to, and the ones that are setting up a memorial
a lot of adult are represented as being very violent and volatile
teenagers have angsty representations
smoking,drinking, sex and rebellion
children is treated as being innocent and vulnerable, however victor was there at the crash and he is very odd
target audience
relatability due to the mix of ages and genders, lack of ethnic minorities however
relatability surrounding the themes of loss and grief.
escapism as the setting is in rural France, quite romantic location, romantic themes throughout the show
Cliffhangers at the end of epsidoes to make sure people come back for the next one
enigma codes surrounding the series, the dead animals, did camille actually die? what is Victor
fans of supernatural cinema would be drawn in by the themes in the opening sequence and the marketing, misty dark settings and a tense atmosphere
the online interaction, twitter and Facebook mean the audience are able to interact with the show, there are also fan accounts
dvd cover has testimonials
(peabody award)
100% critic rating on rotten tomatoes, links into word of mouth marketing which is increasingly important in recent times
elements of Zombie television, connotations of this from the butterfly coming back,
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target age range would be 15-45, it was on after the watershed and in a prime-time slot
it used a lot of online interaction so it's more likely that it wasn't aiming to target an older audience
streamed online on all4, attracts a yopunger audience
15-45 audience, ABC1 interested in foreign cinema, may be familiar with the original film.
harder to understand program would attract an Abc1 audience
foreign language would attract more educated audience as they won't be put off by subtitles. more cultured audience.
some audiences may be put off by this, as well as the fact that they are all middle class- upper class
produced by canal+, owned by Vivendi, who deal with video games, advertising and films. Horizontal intergration.
other context
produced by canal+ (a subsidiary of vivendi), it was released to french audiences in 2012 and in the UK in 2015
released on channel 4 it featured a french ad break imbetween sections of the show.
vivendi produce a range of media, such as film, tv, and video gamess
40,000 employees
budget of 8 million pounds
used two charities that give money to the arts that show reigional parts of france, and french culture.
risk was too high for one entity to give money to
based on a film with the same name, it did well in France and was adapted into a tv series, which was then distribuited to the uk.
mogwai did the soundtrack
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