The oppression of indigenous cultures and their struggle for survival

The government's treatment of Te Ope

Removal of dedicated house, houses and flattened the land

Took the land for war purposes and never returned it

Separated the Te Ope whanau into houses that were spread out

Letters were ignored and truths were deined

Te Ope whanau could no longer live a traditional life style

Land only returned after improvements were paid for

Tamihana's marae was burnt and the land was deliberately flooded

Dollarman's complete refusal to give up on wanting the Tamihana's land

Kept offering more and more money

Police investigation was bias

Tamihana family had it implied they burnt their own wharenui

Maori voice was squashed but pakeha voice was upheld

Manu's experience at school

Roimata, Hemi and Mary's experience of school

Missionary school which tries to overlay western religion on the maori children

No maori characters in the stories

No representation of indigenous cultures

This is oppression through the process if assimilation - turn them into brown skinned pakeha

Deny Te Reo, deny tikanga

Now you send men to make a park there while we of Te Ope only watch and do nothing because we do not have houses there anymore. When will this stop...? Return te Te Ope people to their land

An investigation has held but mostly consisted of a questioning of us and our observations and a criticism of our actions

Children who please Jesus could put a hand in the green thin for a picture or a toffe

He think he'll disappear

We'll get it.. looked into