organisational diversity : differences in structure and organisation of the family e.g. joint role, dual earner v segregated role, single earners
cultural : different cultures , ethnicities etc. and their diff family types - mass migration has greatly impacted this e.g. Asian families maintaining close family ties e.g. living together has lead to growth in the extended family type
class : class differences leading to different family structures, distribution of domestic labour were v different in diff classes, MC women more likely to adopt housewife role due to economic stability
life course : diff stages of life increase the likelihood of certain family types e.g. young people moving into their own homes, empty nest homes for older couples, elderly at risk of lone homes
generational : diff generations had diff views which would lead to different typical family types e.g. older gens may see more value in marriage , stigma around divorce and contraception while these may appear as the norm for younger gens