Factors influencing business models

DIgital transformation

Mobile technology


Big Data Analytics

It is possible to make a block for a user in the system for the use of some application. If we have a user who, for example, works on a production line, which is managed from a computer. If this computer did not have any restrictions, then this user could, first of all, have access to an application which he should not have, and secondly, work in an inefficient way. Creating locks of various kinds helps in that the user does have access to the computer, but he can use it in a strictly defined way. (JJ)

Using technology, processes can be carried out faster, but at the same time I would say they are shallower” (GC)

„Nowadays, most things happen online. Documents used to be sent by mail, so it was definitely a more expensive and longer process. Overseas, to Australia, to all the distant countries.” (BP)

“ Technology is not a solution to all problems, but it certainly increases accessibility and makes it easier to get in touch whether with an idea, an approach or with people with a similar way of thinking” (GC)

"The trend is definitely changing, the best example of this is the fact that in this day and age there is no longer such profession as an IT guy, there is network specialist, security specialist, database specialist etc." (JJ)

“ The app connects people who want the same thing, where without the internet it would be difficult to find these people and connect with each other” (GC)

“For them, the quality of performance of this application directly affects the fact that they might lose a customer” (JJ).

“ Technology has guided this project from the very beginning. The app, we've only been working on it for two years, but the very concept was there from the beginning - that's why the project exists. The physical product was created, in a way, to make space for me to work on the app” (GC)

“The app aims to do a huge outreach” “For me, the app is part of the whole strategy” (GC)

“Recently, I started doing surveys among users and people in the mailing base, and when asked if you would like to use the app, about 70% say yes, and the remaining 30% say maybe” (GC)

“You can set up the software in such a way that it automatically does certain things you set it to do when certain limits are exceeded, which we allowed. Thanks to this we quickly notice that there is a problem, and we don't wait for the problem to be reported by the end customer, because it will be a little too late. This obviously increases the quality of service for the sales representatives, and thus for the end customer, so the sale is done thanks to this faster and customers don't run away.” (JJ)

Newsletters, sending, building marketing paths. So that you don't have to think that “oh well that's the customer who was interested in the webinar in October France well we're doing it now we have to find them” That's certainly nice, that kind of automation of different processes.” (BP)

"There are systems that allow an automatic approach to managing what is happening on the computer. It can be done on the basis of a central management of computers within an organisation." (JJ)

(Context - Big Data)
We have such a person who is magical (laughs) She is really an interesting character right there in Belgium. She is just, really what she does with the numbers and such, she is taking out different data and reports. It's really helpful in depicting what you do on a day-to-day basis, you kind of see these activities of yours as it actually translates into numbers. Which is important, to have such a reference point of what we do and how it actually looks like. At the end of the day, every business is there to make money, so it's actually helpful to have such statistics. For example, in name of previous organization she worked for I always missed that. I think it's important in the context of knowing where you are, but it also makes it easier to make decisions, such as what to do next. It also requires people to be consistent with the data, so that the data is also true. To take care of the data certainly requires that the conclusions of these analyses of large amounts of data are actually correct. And then it's actually very helpful and helps a lot to make decisions. Well before the end of May I have to plan the next year, so I'm counting on the help of my fairy friend here to sum up this year. (laughs) This is actually something she does - the number of weeks ,or which programs earn the most. Where is it worth burning energy." (BP)

"if there are 1,000 logs related to a particular problem and out of more than 1,000, 900 are related to the fact that there is a problem in a particular browser, or in a particular region, well, it would take more time for a human to draw conclusions manually than for such an application that does it semi-automatically and will suggest that you most likely pay attention that there might be a problem here" (JJ)

(Context: APM - Application Performance Management)
“The functioning of this application is crucial for these representatives to sell their services, because if it doesn't work, or if it works slowly, or if it crashes, it obviously affects the way the customer will be treated and that impacts the way he perceives the representative as a professional person.” (JJ)

„The challenge of exponentially increasing amounts of data means that if companies can't keep up with their speed of growth, an ever-lengthening so-called technology debt is created. Technological debt is what we often see in our clients structures who have grown disproportionately fast to their IT department. Very often, this is due to the fact that companies view IT not as a thing that supports the business but as a cost - as a necessary thing that just has to exist” (JJ)


„In my opinion, customers do not like automation in which they know it is a robot. Effectively it works if they think it's a person. It makes things easier, definitely. But I think it's a challenge to do it in such a way that people would think theres a human behind it.” (BP)

“One of the challenges is certainly that people are sceptical when it comes to technology, artificial intelligence especialy. Its sort of a clash of two worlds, on the one hand artificial intelligence and some modern solutions, and on the other hand here we are talking about emotions and empathy - something that characterizes people - one of the challenges for sure will be to communicate that the two things are not opposed to each other” (GC)

“Let’s take points that sell insurance as an example. They have alians, warta, pzu etc. Imagine you want to calculate for someone what kind of insurance they have on a car from pzu, for example. You want to do it, but the application crashes, so you are not able to do it. The customer is waiting, you wait frustrated. It may lead to such a situation that frustrated that the system does not work you ignore it and just offer services, instead of pzu, of warta for example. It's not so trivial that IT just supports the business operations, but it directly affects the fact that such pzu or warta may lose a customer in that case” (JJ)

“For them, the quality of performance of this application (APM) directly affects the fact that they might lose a customer” (JJ).

"The functioning of this application is crucial for these representatives to sell their services, because if it doesn't work, or if it works slowly, or if it crashes, it obviously affects the way the customer will be treated and that impacts the way he perceives the representative as a professional" person.” (JJ)