Aiding Soil Erosion in SubUrban Areas

Modern Challenges

Soil Conservation Practices

Implementing green infrastructure

Industrial agricultural practices

Planting Vegetation

Educating Homeowners

incorporate green infrastructure elements

Ex. bioswales

Ex. vegetated swales to manage stormwater runoff and reduce soil erosion

Ex. rain gardens


Native Vegetation

Nitrogen Fixers

Deep Rooted Plants

Plants to help convert nitrogen in the air to be useable in the soil

Soil degradation

Plants to help break up soil for greater water and air absorption


Loss of bio diversity

Soil Compaction

Impacts on biodiversity

Loss of soil stability

Loss of green spaces

Compact and degradation

help slow down and filter runoff, allowing water to infiltrate into the soil and replenish groundwater resources.

Increasing awareness and education

Providing resources


Outreach programs on Soil Health

empowers residents to take proactive steps in protecting soil resources in their communities.




helps stabilize soil and prevent erosion in suburban landscapes

Incorporating diverse plant species promotes biodiversity and enhances ecosystem resilience


Contour farming

Erosion Control blankets

reduce soil erosion on sloping landscapes

help slow down water flow, trap sediment, and promote soil stabilization, particularly in areas prone to erosion

Soil Conservation

Preventing soil Eroison

Protecting Soil Structure

Promoting sustainable land management

Enhancing biodiversity

Importance of Soil Conservation in Suburban areas

Maintaining Water Quality

Preserving Soil Fertilization

Mitigating Urban Flooding

Enhancing Urban resilience