Physical and intelectual development:
gains in height and weight
Development of sensory capacities and the nervous system
development of bones, muscles and motor skills
TYPES of attachment: secure x insecure
Formulated by psychiatrist and psychoanalyst John Bowlby
Insecure attachment: AMBIVALENT
Factors that influence attachment: the opportunity for attachment and quality of care
AURHORITARIAN : unresponsive, strict rules, high expectations, outcome: less self esteem, mental ilness, abuse, delinquency..
PERMISSIVE (liberal):warm and responsive, few or no rules, outcome: egocentric, poorer social skills, problematic relationships..
AUTHORITATIVE: warm and responsive, clear rules, high expectations, supportive, outcome: higher ckademic performance, more self - esteem, better social skills..
NEGLECTFUL (uninvolved): cold and unresponsive, no rules, uninvolved, indifferent, outcome: impulsive behaviour, delinquency, drug/alcohol abuse, suicides..
Day care:
NEGATIVES: can be more agressive than child cared home, do not recieve individual attention or resources they need
POSITIVES: sharing toys, outgoing, independent, self - confidence
=emotional tie between child and their parent (primary care giver)
Parenting style largerly determines the kind of environment and atmosphere a child is raised in
PROBLEMS of childhood:
Experiments with alcohol, drugs etc.
Syndrom CAN: physical, emotional and sexual abuse, neglect
Mistrust/ trust issues
Mental health issues
It is vital to the survival of the infant, crucial to our development