1) multiple old Iacunar infarctions at the left cetrum semiovale, right coorana rodiata, the left thalamus posterior the left posterior external capsule, and bilateral lentoform nucleus.
2) Moderate small vessel disease
3) no acute brain infarction, vasogenic edema, intracranial hemorrhage, or brain herniation
4) Mild to moderate dilatation of bilateral lateral ventricles, the 3rd ventricle, and the 4th ventricle. --> could be due to brain atrophy or communicating hydrocphalus e.g. NPH. Please clinical correlation.
5) A 1.1x0.63 cm extraaxial solid nodule at the right sided anterior inter hemispheric flax—> suggestive of meningioma.
6) Severe chronic right maxillary sinusitis with inspissated mucus or fungal infection.
7) Mild chronic bilateral ethmoid and left maxillary sinusitis