multi hazardous - philippines - convergent plate boundary, south west asia by the pacific ocean - 7000 islands, 800km of land of the coast of Vietnam ,115.6 million population, 394 per km^2, low income country, only a third of fillipines undertake preperations with self reporting low levels of climate change knowledge, lack of technology, Bahalu is thier word for fatilism, " what ever happens happens things will turn out fine" - Naga city landslide 2018 heavy rainfall and quarring activities caused a lanslide, killing 70 people and destroying 60 homes, damiging infastructure ( power lines, roads) displacing people and leading to economic struggles, environmental degredations (destruction of vegitation). responses shuch as search and rescue, evacuation centeres and emergency relief, or perminent relocation, policy and regulation changes and economic recovery programs - Baguio forest fire 2024 febuary, 21 fire incidentsover 23 days, 300 hectares damaged, smog, environmental degredation, smog caused poor air quality leading to dizziness, colds and coughs, co2 was also relased into the atmosphere, warning to public (alert), philippine air force dropping heli buckets, enforcement laws, reforestation on a large scale, soil stabilisation, strenthening fire managment infastructure. - Hengchun earthquake 2006 magnitude 7 large pacific and euroasia plates, philippine fault extends over 1200km, focus depth 10km, 42 injured 2 dead, 3rd nuclear power plant assulted, 3000 homes with out power, tsunami, cut phone services around 40 %, power restored within a few hours, tsunami information bullitin issued, increased corpiration between countries, rosoration in servecis, reassessed risk managment stratigies. - Mayon volcano 2018 a strtovolcano erupted lasting 2h in a popular tourist spot, steam and ash plume 2500m, non dead, pyroclastic flow, explosion, (health issues, iritation throat eyes, infections) ,agricultral destruction due to acidity of ash, tourism decline, local buissness losses, 24,000 people evacuated, police checkpoints, reconstruction of homes and infastructure, enhanced early warning systems. - Typhoon Hyain - 2013 november, 315km/h wind speed, 4.1 million homeess, airport damaged, 6190 died, 1.1million tonnes of crops destroyed, looting, prices risen 12%, oil tanker ran aground 800,000L, infection and deisease, fighting for food, power cut, contamination of water, oil leak, flooding, landslides, contamination of mangrove trees, televised warning, 1200 evacuation centers, airport re opend, $1.5billion foreign aid pleadged, cash for work schemes, oxfam replaced fishing boats, build back better scheme, new storm surge warning.