
What is Composting?

The process of recycling organic matter

Turns organic matter into fertilizer to be used for plants

Where do we Compost?


Composting Facilities


How long does it take to Compost?


Composting Facilities/Tech

From 6 months to 2 years

From 3 to 20 hours

How do we Compost Efficiently?

Mix the compost pile regularly

Shred the organic material for composting

Use a compost activator which will make it easier to get started

Get help from critters such as Worms

Use a bigger Compost pile

Benefits of Composting

Improves plant growth and health.

Provides plant nutrients in a stable organic form.

Improves physical, biological, and chemical soil properties.

Conserves water.

Reduces erosion.

Suppress plant diseases and pests.

Reduce or eliminate the need for chemical fertilizers.

Disadvantages of Composting

Compost quality really depends on the ingredients put in

Compsting is a very slow process doing it the traditional way

Composting can spread diseases

Some types of Organic Matter are not suitable for Composting

Composting can contain damaging components