Tarriffs- Tax on imported goods.
Northern states supported tariffs because it protected the Northeren idustries, making more people need more Amaerican made products.
Southern states disliked the tariffs becasue they raised the tax by 38% and they didnt want to pay more for the same thing.
Cash crops- A product that is widley used and brings profit to the market.
enslaved people were discriminated against becasuse of how horrible they were being treated. If an enslaved person would be beat of they did anything wrong.
Abolitionist were apart of the church becasue they belived in god and that they can get more people to become abolitionist through the church
The purpose of having a federal governement was so that the states could have more of a opionion and more control.
Becasue the federal government can make some of there own rules that doesnt nessercily comply to consituion.
The Northern abolitiist were upset about the Fugitive slave act becasue they had to help capture people or face jail and or a big fine.
In the Election of 1860 only 6.9 million amaericans out of 31 million amercains could vote becasue 24.1 million americans were slaves in the south who didnt have rights to vote.
The Fugitive slave act- It made any person help in the capturing of escaped slaves, someone who refused served eighter six months in jail or aa 1,000 dollar fine.
Stowes book ¨Uncle Tom's Cabin¨ became so popular that it caused fighitng to happen between the North and the South.
The south was mad about the book becasue it exposed them and how bad they treated the slaves and North didnt like how the slaves were being treated.
Lincoln wanted more slaves to work but he didnt want to give them the land for it.
popular sovereignty- The people wanted to have consent over the government.
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Sectionilsm-when a part of the country is thrifing and the other half is suffering.
The North was cold and very rocky so you couldnt famr it. The South was very warm had very rich soil and had very long crop periods.
The new state divison was caused becasue they were fighting over the tariffs
The North was cold and the south was very warm
The southern work force was enslaved and had taken away there rights. The Northern work force was free labor and the didnt get paid much