Should We Use Animals For Scientific Test's?


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It Takes Nothing Away From A Human To Be Kind To An Animal
-Joaquín Phoenix

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How would humans feel if they were seen as tester's who did not deserve a fair and equal life to live.

Thesis Statement

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People should not use animals for scientific tests because it harms animals physically, causes pollution, and it's morally wrong.

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Argument #2 Causes Pollution

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Pollution is produced by the emission of gases resulting from the incineration of animal carcasses.

It can cause water pollution when the chemicals used in the scientific testing are disposed of.

Many of the laboratory supplies, many of which contain toxins release back into the air creating pollution.

Argument #1 Physically Harming Animals

History And Backround

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After the tests many animals can be left deaf, blind and with other disease's

Animals experience the traumatic effects of breeding and captivity, family separation, other broken bonds, and social isolation.

They are more likely to die after the tests instead of living of living a full life

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The history of animal testing began in Ancient Greeks in the 4th and 3rd centuries BCE .

Aristotle and Erasistratus one of the first documented to perform experiments on animals.

Aristotle wanted to prove that there were anatomical differences in different animal species, which is why he tested on animals

Specialized Information

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Animals help us with the way that the world operates

Animals provide us with clothing, food, medicine, and also help with many more economic needs.

Without these animals humans would not have the world we live in today, so we should never test on them

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Argument #3 It Is Morally Wrong

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It violates animals' rights, it causes pain and suffering to the experimental animals.

Animals having to experience suffering and death as part of scientific research violates the animal's rights to life.

When the animals are tested on they are deliberately sickened with toxic chemicals and infected with diseases, and are typically killed when the experiment ends.