You were very alerted, therefore you did not want to help them, so you politely declined. They left you, and you decided to return back to the hotel. But on the way back, you felt like there was someone following you, the same feeling you had while you were in the alley, but you were too late, you felt a pain through your neck, you fell to the ground. You had 2 options: to use up your energy and open your eyes, to see who has killed you, or leave your eyes closed and die in a more comfortable way.
You knew this was the last moment before your death, so you decided to open your eyes for the last time, to see who has killed you. You opened your eyes, in front of you stood your childhood friend, whom you havent seen in years, you can't believe that he was the one who killed you, before you passed out, you saw the evil smile on his face, you hope he will never be able to inherit your father's company. END