Power and borders - sovereignty being challenged in Ukraine
Background on Ukraine
Contested politically throughout its history
Lower middle income economy
Brief history of Ukraine
Serious civil unrest in 2013
Resulted from the yanukovych governemnt;s failure to sign the EU association agreement on trade and cooperation
Invasion and annexation of crimea in 2014
The cause and challenges of Ukraine’s challenged sovereignty
Democracy, civil liberty, economic reform and prosperity have been difficult to achieve
Geogrpahical position
Internal political division
Ethnic disparities
Inability to build a common national identity and develop a strong state
The growth of NATO and EU members on Russia’s borders and Russia warns to keep a barrier around itself
No national identity
Division within the country
civil unrest/protests over political decisions
Unfair electoral systems
In Ukraine —> 77.8% Ukrainian 17.3% Russian
Energy dependent on Russia