S1, L6, L7 - Murder, voluntary & involuntary manslaughter


Voluntary manslaughter

Involuntary manslaughter

Requirements: Victim was a person, victim died, D caused V's death and D intended to kill or cause grievous bodily harm.

Mens rea: An intetnion to kill or cause grievous bodily harm - DPP v Smith 'really serious harm' e.g. loss of blood, broken bones.

Reckless manslaughter

Gross negligence manslaughter

Where the D does not intern to kill or cause grievous bodily harm but there is sufficient fault to justify criminal liability.

Loss of control

Diminished responsibility

Killings which would be murder as there is intention but the d has a relevant defence.

Constructive (unlawful act) manslaughter

A defence only to murder, if successful the D is guilty of manslaughter.

D must show loss of self control caused by a 'qualifying trigger' and an ordinary reasonable person in the same posiiton would have reacted the same way.

Thornton [1992] – D had history of mental illness and had very violent relationship with husband. D stabbed her husband and claimed loss of control. CoA upheld murder conviction as it was not a sudden loss of control as she went to a different room and then grabbed a knife to stab him.

R. v Clinton [2012] - The discovery of sexual infidelity is not a qualifying trigger for self-control. So should always be murder instead of manslaughter. But can be relevant in explanation of potency of other legally allowable triggers.

qualifying triggering events for loss of self control: fear of serious violence and/or things said or done which constituted circumstances of an extremely grave character, and caused D to have a justifiable sense of being seriously wronged.

Abnormality of mental functioing

An abnormality of mental functioing, which must arise form a recognised medical condition and there must be substaitnial substantial impairment of the defendant’s ability to understand nature of his conduct, form rational judgment + exercise self control. The abnormality of mental function must be a significant contributory factor in causing D to kill.

Bunch [2013] – medical evidence must be produced but jury are not bound to accept it.

Dowds [2012] – D claimed acute intoxication was a recognised medical condition (as it is recognised by the world health organisation). This was rejected by the CoA on the basis it was not a sufficient condition for diminished responsibility.

Objective test of dangerousness - DPP v Newbury & Jones: For an act to be dangerous it is not from the point of view of the defendant but instead from the objective reasonable bystander

D intentionally performed unlawful and dangerous act which (inadvertently) caused death. - DPP v Newbury & Jones [1976]

Adomako [1995] - The defendant must have breached a duty of care which he owed to the victim, which must have caused death of V. The breach breach of duty must have been so serious that it can be characterised as gross negligence.

E.g. Doctor/patients, parent/child, drivers.

The CoA in Attorney-General’s Reference (No. 2 of 1999)201 made it clear that it is not necessary to demonstrate that a defendant foresaw a risk of death.

Introduced following Donoghue v Stevenson (1932)