The plaintiff lived in a furnished room in a certain premises which were called a hotel. He paid a weekly charge for the use of his room. This charge included room service. The defendants increased the weekly charge
Following the plaintiff's objection and a reference by him to the Rent Tribunal (with subsequent notification to the defendants) the defendants gave him two days notice to quit and, when he did not leave, changed the lock on the door and gave another person the right to live in the room.
It was held that the plaintiff was not restricted to his claim to damages and was entitled to a mandatory injunction; that in the present case, the respondent was, prima facie, entitled by the Act to security of tenure of his room, and section 30 of the Rent Act 1965 , made it unlawful for the appellants to lock him out; that the appellants should not be in a better position by wrongfully locking him out; and that, accordingly, an injunction should be granted to put the respondent back into his room.