What is the origin of the Universe?
Can we have help to die?
Should people have abortions?
Why are funerals important
Christian views
Buddhist views
Non-religious views
Big bang
This is how the universe started
It started with an infinitely small particle, got so hot that it exploded, causing the big bang
God created the world and universe in 6 days and rested on the seventh
Its exactly what happened as its written in the bible
7 day creation is a metaphor
It is to do with wisdom
They don't talk of origins of the world
Might accept Big Bang
Christian views
Non-religious views
Buddhist views
We shouldn't choose who lives and die
Only God can choose to take a life
Hospice can offer alternative care
You won't escape the wheel of samsara
Goes against the 5 precepts
Would be an act of compassion to end suffering
Semi-legalised in the UK
You should die in dignity
Christian views
Buddhist views
Non-religious views
Debates rests when does life begin
Quality of life outweighs preservation of life
More liberal and pro-choice
A child is a gift from God
Catholic and Orthodox, life is sacred from moment of contracpetion
Taking a life, against the 5 precepts
Some pregnancy can cause suffering
Christian views
Buddhist views
Non-religious views
Prohibit cremation
God will comfort those who mourn
Chanting occurs
49 days after death, prayers and chants help the person move to the next phase of life
Comforts the people in the funeral
We remember the person