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the corporation and public policy (Influencing the Political Environment)…
the corporation and public policy (Influencing the Political
Understanding the arguments for and against business participation in the political process
支持与反对 bu 参与政治过程
A pluralistic system invites many participants. 多元化人参与
A pluralistic system allows many different groups, including businesses, to share their opinions and interests in politics. This ensures everyone's views are considered in decision-making.多元化就有看到不同的角度这可以确保 不会独裁和monopoly
Economic stakes are high for firms.
企业的经济风险很高因为政府是external factor
Government policies can greatly affect a company’s finances and operations. Businesses get involved in politics to protect their interests and adapt to new rules.
和政府合作可以让bu保护他们的 interest 和 适应 新规矩
Business counterbalances other social interests.
Businesses can offer a different viewpoint in political discussions, balancing other groups' demands with insights on economic impact and job creation. 对社会有好处因为bu不会因为自身利益而忽略社会interest
Business is a vital stakeholder of government
BU 也是 goverment 的 stacke holder
Since businesses contribute significantly to the economy by creating jobs and paying taxes, their input is essential in shaping government policies that affect economic health.
BU 也是 goverment 的 stacke holder 所以 goverment 也希望企业好.
Managers are not qualified to engage in political debate.
Business managers often lack the expertise needed for informed political discussions, which can lead to poor decisions and harm the company’s reputation. 因为经理和政治交流经验不足会导致错误决定和破坏公司名誉
Business is too big, too powerful—an elephant dancing among chickens.
Large corporations are so powerful that their involvement in politics can drown out the voices of smaller, less influential groups, leading to imbalanced policies. 企业太大政府对他们的影响为足道反而还会被企业控制
Business is too selfish to care about the common good.
Companies are mainly focused on profits, which might cause them to push for policies that benefit themselves financially but harm the broader society. 企业太自私他们只会推对自己有利益的政策
Business risks its credibility by engaging in partisan politics.
When businesses take sides in politics, they risk alienating customers, employees, and stakeholders who have different political views, which can damage their reputation and trustworthiness. 如果stackholder 有不一样的政治观点和支持的party会导致 credit 被受影响
three types of corporate political strategies and the influences on an organization’s development of a particular strategy
Financial-incentives strategy
Businesses provide incentives to influence government policymakers to act in a certain way
Economic leverage
Occurs when a business uses its economic power to
to leave a city, state, or country unless a desired political action is taken 威胁政府离开
Political Contribution
Political action committees
Independently incorporated organizations that can
solicit contributions
and then channel those
funds to candidates seeking political office
Constituency-building strategy
Businesses seek to gain from other affected organizations to better influence government policymakers to act in a way that helps them
Grassroots Strategy
A strategy that seek support from organizations or people who are also affected by the public policy or who are sympathetic to business’s political position
legal challenge
Business seeks to overturn a law after it has been passed
stakeholder coalitions
stakeholder 联盟策略
Businesses try to influence politics by mobilizing various organizational stakeholders to support its political agenda (example
between shareholders and customers)
和 stakeholder colitation 来 support 你要的 political agenda
advocacy advertising
Advertisements that focus on a company’s views on controversial political issues (example issue advertisement)
Information strategy
Businesses seek to provide government policymakers with information to influence their actions
企业寻找 policymaker 影响他们的决定
Direct Communication
Businesses invite officials to participate in activities that will improve government officials’ understanding of management and employee concerns (example give speach)直接邀请告诉他们你的请求
Expert witness testimony
Businesses provide facts, anecdotes, or data to educate or influence government leaders at public forums like congressional hearings (businesses have been invited to speak) 给数据facts 来告诉政府该怎么做
Lobbying 游说
Lobbyists communicate with and try to persuade others (government officials) to support an organization’s interest
Assessing the tactics businesses can use to be involved in the political process
Examining the role of the public affairs department and its staff
The role of the public affairs department is to manage the
firm’s interactions with governments
at all
levels and to promote the firm’s interests in the political process
Levels of Business Political Involvement
Level 3: Aggressive Organizational Involvement — direct and personal
Executive participation
Involvement with industry working groups and task forces
Public policy development
"Public policy development" involves
helping to create and shape laws and regulations that affect their industry and community. This can include activities like lobbying, discussing with lawmakers, and providing input on new rules to ensure they are fair and beneficial.
Level 2: Moderate Organizational Involvement — indirect yet personal
Organizational lobbyist
Employee grassroots involvement
Stockholders and customers encouraged to become involved
stackholders and customer 参与
Level 1: Limited Organizational Involvement — indirect and impersonal
Contribution to political action committee
Support of a trade association or industry activities
Recognizing the challenges business faces in managing business–government relations in different countries