Climate change impacts on hydrogeography

Köppen geiger climate classification

Based on seasonal precipitation and temperature patterns

Where do these projections come from

Climate models

encapsulates the physics of the climate

Make accurate predictions about future carbon dioxide emission levels

General circulation models (GCMs)

CMIP: Coupled model intercomparison project

Represensative concentration pathways RCP:s

Future projections form CMIP6: Shared socioeconomic pathways

Climate change impacts

Climate change can be seen on land, sea and atmosphere. Some impacts are already observed and some will be irreersible for centuries

Sea Ice

Sea level rise and land uplift

The level of the oceans does not rise everywhere at the same rate

Hot extremes

Impacts - heatwaves

Precipitation variability

Increased risk of droughts and floods

water scarcity

infrastructure impacts

Heavy precipitation


Floods in Finland

100-yr floods decrease in average by 8-22% in 2070-2099

Suurin osa tulvista tulee tapahtumaan syksyisin että talvisin. Tämä johtuu siitä, että vettä tulee satamaan enemmän eikä lunta jää maahan.
Kevät tulee hieman aikaisemmin


Drought - water scarcity


Impatcs on health --> Waterborne diseases