higher and lower pleasure distinction:
higher pleasures were pleasures of the mind e.g. philosophy, poetry, politics, and theatre, and Mill believed these were superior as they lasted longer and so gave more pleasure
whereas lower pleasure are physical, or pleasures of the body e.g. food, drinking, sex
he claimed most people would prefer higher pleasures even if the lower pleasures were more pleasurable, famously saying "better to be Socrates dissatisfied than a fool satisfied" - Mill, Utilitarianism
Competent Judges
Mill introduce 'competent judges' to prove this distinction between pleasures, and to prove the inherent superiority of higher pleasure; he claimed a competent judge is 1) someone who's faculties are working adequately e.g. able to hear to judge music, 2) must experience and enjoy both pleasures
critics asks whether this is even hedonistic utilitarianism anymore; Mill's distinction allows something which causes less utility / pleasure to be better than something which causes more pleasure, this defies the basic principles of hedonistic utilitarianism
Mill's defense: some argue Mill is claiming higher and lower pleasures incommensurable, rather than one being less pleasant e.g. blue & red are different, no amount of blue could ever equal red, so this is Mill's claims for higher and lower pleasures, they cannot be compared side by side, only be judged