Human Computer interaktion

Usability testing

A proces that employ epople as testing participant so that it can evaluate the product meets the specifics

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Inform teh design.1

Eliminating design problem and frustration

Improve profitibility

Usability testing in AR and VR

VR vthree dimansiona that can be interact by a person by wearing a headsetl

AR (augmented realiry/ AR)

View On a real word

Example Pokemon GO


Participant recruitment1

Testing inviroment and set up2

Session Observation3


For testing need a user who considered adobting the technology

VR cant use usign glasses

Medical And psycological condition

Testing Enviroment, Device Management and set up

Clear the area, use rug for friction

Device hygine

Cleaning the gadget that prevent from cyber sickness

Placement camera other equipment

2 kamera on oppisete participent

Be prepared with spare smarthphone

because is power hunggry and overheat

moerator harus jauh dari partisipasi suaya tidak sengaja teresenggol

  1. Objective requirement method

Repeatable and reliable tak Quantitative observation


Accuracy (avvarage error)

Object or user position

Time ( Task Completion Times)

Score from test

  1. Subjective measurement method

Personal subjective judgement from user and use QUESIONER



Depth Judgement

  1. Qualitative analysis methods

4.Expert usability evaluation techniques method

  1. Informal testing methods

Data gathered from structure observation

evaluation using expert

Feedback dari limited fact tetpai sangat sering terjadi pada augment reality

Example glasses VR