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Psychological Therapies - Coggle Diagram
Psychological Therapies
Dr. Judith Beck
Daughter of Dr. Aaron Beck, founder of CT
CBT anxiety
Social anxiety/phobia
Clark and Wells (1995)
symptoms of anxiety + mechanisms used to cope with the anxiety -> vicious cycle maintains the disorder
'observer perspective' maintains disorder from loss of attention to external environment to disconfirm beliefs
Spurr and Stopa (2002)
safety behaviours may prevent disconfirming negative beliefs and belief in inability to cope if ppl saw physical symptoms fx
Ingram (1990) self-awareness -> an awareness of self-referent, internally generated information
Morris (2011)
Part of Stepped Care and NICE recs. HOWEVER: GSH rec based on self-selected samples who may benefit more than clinical samples
CBT depression
Beck et al (1979)
best established CBT for depression model (Barton and Armstrong, 2019)
Race in the space (Morris and Rawling, 2023)
every treatment has a racialised dynamic, explore meaning
power imbalance
authority, age, race, gender
Salkovskis et al (2023)
formulation (or emerging alternative explanation) should derive from careful and collaborative of person's actual experience (CBT)
eliciting info and discussion of derived formulation helps person to evaluate less threatening explanation and beliefs driving distress
Psychodynamic Therapy
Charis et al (2021)
CBT and PDT both effective for Depression, and in dialogue
CBT techniques
Wenzel (2017)
problem solving
4 toolkits
managing overwhelm (externalisation, visualisation)