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My Identity - Coggle Diagram
My Identity
Collaboration, this is something i think i could devlop a little more. especially with people that i may have a negative view with. I think to get the point of fully understanding the collaboration skill you need to also get used to work with people that you may not be comfortable with. This is something i could improve on.
Communication, I think this is probaly one of my best 5C skill. The main reason is that i have grown up being quite talkative and understanding. So it is quite simple for me communicate easily with others.
Character, especially focuses on developmet. This mindmap could be considered in the 5C character. The reason is that i am developing my learning about my own identity and what i could develop or reflect on.
Citizenship, I represent this at school especially because i am in all sorts of different clubs for example the wellbeing club and Hub club. These clubs help the school community which builds my citizenship skill.
Creative and critical thinking is rather broad. This skill is used in many different classes and assignments
Hope, I believe that there is no point in hoping if you don't put any effort for the outcome you want to have. I'm not saying that i don't have hope at all but it helps strive with my effort alone and not some wishful thinking
Zest, this is one of the things i am slightly confused when it came up on my weaknessess because i believe whenever you start something you should always finish it. I also really do look forwards to certain things in life.But in some ways this is also understandable because there are things not i don't like which causes me to have a different energy.
Love, This is a complex thing to talk about, i am also unsure how the the test was able to reveal that one of my weaknesses was love.
Forgiveness, i do believe forgiveness should be a thing and i know when to forgive and when not to. But i believe if someone does something bad to you or something with bad intentions it isn't that easy to just say you forgive them.
Spirituality, I am going to be honest i believe that there is god and fate is also a thing but i also believe that you can't receive good things if you don't put an effort out. You work for what you deserve.
Judgement, It basically means that i examine both sides and i don't jump into conclusions. I believe i have developed this skillover the years because my judgement used to be blurry.
Social Intelligence, I think this is one of my strengths, It is similar to empathy i can easily tell motives and feelings of someone. I also know what to do in most of the situations i am in.
Love of Learning, I am someone who grew up learning a variety of things at one time so it has become a habbit. I like learning new things, especially something that peeks my interests or something that is very social
Perspective, i think perspective is somewhat related to judgement. I guess it is the skill to be able to look at a situation rather different from other people. This is also very important in Art
Humour, i was always told as a child that i was a funny and energetic child. So i would count Humour as one of my key strengths. It makes me happy to make my friends happy/laugh.
Who I Admire
Parents, i think this is an very obvious answer. I have grown up with their influced since i was young. So a lot of my thoughts and personality traits are very like them. I also admire them for working hard and trying their best to raise me and my siblings. Especially them coming to Australia to try giving their children a better life and opportunities they didn't have. when i was a child i used to be mad at my parents for signing me up to so many extra curriculums but now i am thankful and very grateful
Year 4/5 TeacherShe helped me fit into my class and taught me so much about how much something small could impact someone. To be honest in grade 4 and 5 I was rather cheeky always trying to bend the rules, she helped me set myself straight and taught me that not everything can go my way and I should always adapt and learn.
Primary school Japanese teacher, she was the one who introduced me to japanese culture which lead me continue japanese to highschool
Mentor group teachers, they have been a huge help especially helping me adpat into Highschool and the mentor group. Huge thanks to Miss E, Miss Fisher and Mr Mewett
Career Cluster
In the past I wanted to do so many different careers, but i know i wanted to be a teacher for several years because where ever I go I was told I am fit to be a teacher. I remember teaking a career test in year 8 along with the rest of my mentor group and it suggested i should become a teacher.
(Present and future) I think right now I want to become a doctor or at least get into the medical program after I graduate. But this could change anytime because it is the present.
I did tell myself if i do win art competitions this year i might consider an art career or i will do a double major. Art as one of them and then another respectable career for my parents
Piano was influced by my younger cousin, she started piano first which led to me be introduced to it as well. At first i really enjoyed the slow pace and the learning journey
But as time passed when i started changing different piano teachers, the stress and the over achieveing got to me. I spent hours playing piano just to end up being compared to my talented cousin. This caused be to slowly start disliking piano because piano became a chore not a hobby.
Last year i was able to quit it but somedays i really think about it and truly regret it. I feel like if i was given more space and encouragment in my childhood i would continue to love playing music
Violin, it was very simialr to what happened to piano, i was super excited to learn a new instrument because my cousin also learnt 2 so i felt like to chase up to her i should also learn 2. At the start I enjoyed but it them became a chore
Basketball, this was actually influced by my friends that were older than me when i was primary school
It was also the first proper competition sport i did, but it didn't last long
Art, it is something i know that i truly enjoyed. I liked the spotlight and the compliments maybe thats why i kept doing it. But i do feel like i used to actively want to learn and improve myself
Ballet, i enjoyed ballet but it was something that didn't fit me. I couldn't do the splits due my limbs in my legs which is why i stopped doing it and switched to chinese dancing.
Present - Future
Art, i am super happy and glad that i continued having a passion for art for all my life. I feel like it is something i will never stop and i hope in the future i will continue with it and imporve.
Volleyball, this is a sport i am doing right now and i quite like the thrill and excercise. I am not very good at it which is why i stress about it alot. But sometimes you can't be good at everythign as long as i continue to try and improve myself every game
Journaling, which is something i do weekly. I find joy in spilling about what i did that day and what i felt. I am a very emotional person and in some ways you could say complex because i don't speak about it until i am completely fed up with it. So journaling really helps me relax and rethink about my emotions
Along with journaling, i also sometimes so scrapbooking which basically works the same way
Hip Hop, rigth now i am quite enjoying hip hop and i am having fun with new variety of dance moves that i am learning.
Empathy, I think that it is crucial value especially for understanding others. This means listening, caring, and showing kindness. It helps me build connections and makes people feel understood and supported. By considering others' feelings and perspectives.
In some way you can relate this value back to one of my Via character strengths perspective. As they both revolve around understanding something from a different view
Self-confidence, I believe one should believe in oneself, including trusting my abilities and my judgments. This helps me take risks, facing challenges, and pursuing goals with determination.
Self-confidence has also help me build resilience and encourages growth. I believe you should trust yourself and even if your, you can fake your confidence which eveutually will help you build up confidence.
resilience, i think is a key value to have in every aspect of your life. Especially in your adolescence years. Being resilience has helped me thrive through so many issues including past ones as well.
Self-care is prioritizing myself. balancing, being resilience, and growing. I think it really helps my health, happiness, and my mental state. I think these all help me to thrive in all aspects of life while maintaining time for myself and others.
I also believe that self care is much harder than what others think it migh tbe. Self care is to forgive yourself and let yourself take breaks without feeling guilty. This was a problem i struggled a lot through the first few years of highschool because of procrastination.