Chapter 4: Exploring diversity of matter using separation techniques

how to separate a mixture of magnetic and non-magnetic substance

we can use a magnet 😮

separating a mixture of substance with different particle size

can be separated through a sieve

allows smaller particles to go through the filter paper, leaving bigger particles behind

examples are our nostrils and mucus to trap large solid particles

how to obtain the solute from a solution

can be used evaporation(to dryness)

example, salt solution can all pass through filter paper, filtration cannot be used, use evaporation(to dryness) instead

heat is applied to salt solution

water evaporates quicker and thus the salt is left behind as residue

obtaining liquid from a mixture of substances with different boiling point

we can use distillation


salt solution in distillation flask is heated until it boils

diagram of it


water changes to steam and pass through condenser, it has cold water running through it

steam cools to form pure water

water cycle is a natural process like distillation

separating a mixture of substances that dissolve to different extents in a solvent

drop of ink placed at near bottom of filter paper and dip it in the water(solvent), it travels up together with substances in ink

the one that travels furthest is most soluble and the one that did not travel is insoluble to water

this process is known as paper chromatography


wastewater from homes and industries go to water plant and sent to NEWater plants for purification

goes through microfiltration, microscopic particles are removed

reverse osmosis: undesirable contaminants like viruses are removed

ultraviolet disinfection is used to destroy remaining virus and bacteria


pre-treated seawater is applied at high pressure

only water particles can go through and u get PURE water!!!!