Ethics Theme 1 A

God revealed what is right and wrong, as they are commandments from God we should obey him. He gave us freewill to choose to obey him or not

Euthyphro dilemma

Other criticisms of the DCT

4 main points of the DCT

Is something good because God commands it or does God command it because it is good? ~ Plato

How do we know what Gods will is?

Does it make us slaves to blindly follow what he commands? Rob us of our autonomy?

Does it make ethics arbitrary? Determined by whim not necessity?

Does doing good simply out of obedience mean that we are being good for the right reasons? ~ Bowie

God is omniscient and wise : . we must trust his judgement. Gods nature is "good", his whole essence is "goodness"

: . rules given by God are good or God wouldn't have given them

Christian ideas about hoe to act are linked to the understanding of God as the "father" - he knows whats best for us

God is perfect and since he created the earth they too are also perfect

Fall of Adam and Eve

God chooses not to act unfairly because that would be inconsistent with his nature

God is all powerful so had total freedom to do whatever he wants

: . God orders the universe through Divine laws

Humans, being powerless to him should obey his laws

4 Levels of law





Strengths of DCT

Fits the Christian idea of God being omnipotent

Fits the idea of God being the creator of the universe who expects humans to care for the environment.

It is an objective moral system that is not based on human emotions or on consequences

If morality exists independently of God then he is not all powerful, he too can b judged and morality exists independently of religion

If God chooses what is good then he could command acts which would make him a tyrant

William of Occam

1) whatever God wills is morally right 2) God has total power ti make evil good

This would allow crusaders to kill because they were doing Gods will

God could make evil good but chooses not to to stick to his moral frame work

Robert Adams

Argued that God would not decide to go against anything that goes against his nature as revealed in the Bible

Peter Geach

Actions are morally right or wrong in themselves making DCT unnecessary

Do we do things because God said so
because we choose to