If you need to step away while entering orders, save your work and log out. When you click Save Work on the Orders sidebar, the system asks you if the work is Ready or Not Ready. If you select Ready, then other users can find and manage these orders. But saved (a.k.a. pended) orders are not active. They don’t appear on the MAR, they aren’t dispensed, and they don’t appear on a patient’s ADS profile. While rounding on patients, a pharmacist may “queue up” orders for the physician to review and sign later. In this case, choosing Ready allows the physician to find the orders when opening the patient’s chart. If you click Not Ready, the orders will not be active and only you will be able to view or continue working with them. When you click Log Out without first saving your work, you will be prompted to discard, return to, or save your work (as “not ready” automatically).