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Nazi methods of control - Coggle Diagram
Nazi methods of control
General methods of control
Since Hitler was the main power in Germany now, it meant he had the majority of the vote. But he had to deal with the ones that did not support him
Hitler declared Germany as a toalitarian state, meaning that there would be a single part in Germany- the Nazi party- which he would have full control over
This also meant that Hitler would have control over all German lives:
A. He controlled the police
B. He controlled the supreme court
C. He controlled the radio and the newspapers
D. He controlled the education system
E. He controlled cinematography
F. He controlled the arts
G. He controlled the church
He also indoctrinated and brainwashed people through propaganda, and through a reward system if you followed Nazi rules
However, besides the general control and propaganda, Hitler also induced a policy of terror
Hitler made the SS, the Gestapo and concentration camps for this
Terror and the police state
A totalitarian state which is controlled by a police force that watched people so that they do not oppose the government
German law:
A. Under Hitler, the law in Germany became whatever he thought was right
B. Germans could be arrested without any trial whatsoever
C. Even if there was a trial, Germans had no right to appeal for innocence, and were almost always thrown in prison or executed
The SS
A. Hitler's private army (which was now his only army after the night of the long knives) was able to arrest any political opposition, and could either throw them in jail or execute them
The Gestapo
A. This was a police force responsible state security
B. They had the power to search anyone's home
C. They had the power to assign informers which would spy on their friends and family and see if they should be considered as opposition to the Nazi party or not
A. These were random people assigned by the Gestapo to spy on their friends and family for information
Concentration camps
These were camps built around Germany used to hold political oppositon
Prisoneers in here were forced to work to death, or until they died of disease
This was run by the SS