EMPIRICISM ⭐ 17th century

natural philosophy

explain the mysteries of the universe through the experimental method (Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei and Jahannes Kepler)

experimental method

observation of the natural phenomena

making hypotheses: the possible explanations of what has been observed

predictions based on the hypotheses

the test by experiments

all the great scientists of the period were men of faith and science at the same time (like Isaac Newton)


he was a member of the Royal Society

An Essay Concerning Human Understanding: empiricist conception of knowledge (individual experience) as the product of sensory perceptions and experiences

the human mind at birth is a tabula rasa on which morals, values and beliefs are defined by enviroment and experience

knowledge is almost always the result of the sense perception combined with intuition

Locke's political phisolophy

Two Treatises of Government: all people have innate rights (thr rifht to life, liberty and property)

all men are free and equal and government is the result of a "social contract"* where people transfer some of their rights to the government in return for the guarantee of a more stable life

political governments exist by the consent of the people, therefore governments which fail in these duties can legitimately be opposed and replaced (right of revolution)

Locke's theories put into pratice:

especially in the United States (American Revolution)

Locke is often seen as the inspiration force of the American Declaration of Indepedence