8C How effectively did the Nazis control Germany 19933-1945
The Nazi seizure of power
Nazi aims
A racially pure Germany. Hitler believed on Aryan supremacy and blamed Jews for Germany's problems. He wanted to remove Jews and non-Aryans from positions of leaderships
A People's Community. The Nazis wanted people to give their hearts and minds to Hitler the Volk people would see their contribution to Germany as more important than their own fulfilment
A strong Germany. Hitler blamed Germany's problems on weak leadership. He wanted strong leadership like the Kaiser he wanted strong people ready for war
Crushing opposition
The SS
Concentration Camps
The Gestapo
The police and the courts
They were believed to have a network of informers who listened to peoples conversations
The Gestapo was the most feared organisations However it was in fact a smaller organisation then people thought but they made germans afraid of each other
Gestapo agents had sweeping powers. They could arrest citizens and send them to concentration camps without trial or explanation
They were a secret state police. Led by Reinhard Heydrich
started 1933
jews, unionists socialists communists churchmen all improsoned
Run by SS death units
hard labour limited food
aimed to correct prisoners but by late 1930s most prisoners were killed in concentration camps
Nazi judges
absorbed the SA very best soldiers