DS FIA1 2024 - Class Comments
must be testable statements against which an evaluation of success or failure can be made.
Solve the problem not the assignment
Process in IPO in plain English but remember that it should describe how the input is converted into the stated output
Less Pythonesque
Use THEN with IF statements rather than :
Remember to END functions, IF, FOR, WHILE with appropriate form
Indent after BEGIN
Capitalise reserved words e.g. WHILE, IF
Use worked example for understanding desk checks
Python Code
Avoid using global variables (https://www.w3schools.com/python/python_scope.asp), pass parameters and use returned values appropriately
Structure of complete program (imports, functions in order, main program)
Unique solution set solutions, maybe using sets
Surprise from answers?
Must be .MP4 format
Write script to help control message and keep length within limits
Possible to score 47/25
If you do and you leave something out, I take marks away from 25