
large scale ( universe )

Our earth is 12,700 diameter across

Our sun is 100 times of diameter of the earth

1 AU ( astronomical unit ) is 150 million km

1 light year = the distance light travels in a year

The universe is 13.7 billion years old

The milky way gaxaly is 100,000 light years across and it has 200-400 billion stars

The observable universe is approximately 93 billion light-years in diameter.

a light year is ~63000 AU

small scale

Even though the milky way seem like its full of stars and planets ,a chuck of it are empty spaces, no stars , no planets , nothing . That's how big the milky way is.

Our universe is much bigger than the observable universe as it is constanly expanding

1 meter is 100 cm

1 mm is 10 cm

1 μm(mircometre) is 0.001 mm

A nanometer is one billionth of a meter

a angstrom is 0.1 nanometre.

An average human hair is about 60,000 nanometers thick

a femtometer is a a quadrillionth of one metre.

a hydrogen atom is roughy 1 angstrom

an atom is mostly empty space

The largest distance that humans can relate to is about 100 miles ( 160.934 km )

Earth's circumference is about 40,000 kilometers

To circumnavigate the Earth, it would take 40 hours to go around the Earth( travelling at the speed of an bullet )

The distance from jupiter to the sun is Jupiter is approximately a little bit five plus astronomical unit

would take about 40 minutes for the four for light to get from the Sun to Jupiter

Comets come from oort clouds, it is made up for frozen gases and particles etc

Voyager 1 lefted on 5 september 1977

Voyager 2 lefted on 20 august 1977

Sedna is a dwarf planet in the outermost reaches of the inner Solar System, orbiting the Sun beyond the orbit of Neptune

Voyager is travelling at 61,000 km per hour

Super high energry electrons and protons are being ejected from the sun

The heliopause is where the velocity and forces of the solar wind are counteracted,that the pressure is so diluted at this point that its counteracted mainly by the helium and hydrogen

The nearest star / The nearest cluster of stars is the alpha centauri

The solar system is roughly the radius of a light year

alpha centauri b

alpha centauri

alpha centauri a

It's 4.2 light years away from earth

All of modern civilization has occurred in the last 10000 years most of recorded is history is around 4000 to 5000 years

Our local neighbourhood of the gaxaly is roughly 1000 light years across

Our local part of the milky way gaxaly is called the orion spur

The andromeda gaxaly is has about a trillion stars

There is a super massive black at the centre of the milky way

The milky way gaxaly is 1000 light years thick

The andromeda igaxaly is 2.5 million light years away from us

The virgo super cluster is 150 million light years across