Behaviourist approach
Social Learning theory
classical conditioning
operant conditioning- skinners research
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introspection is the systematic experimental attempt to study the mind by breaking up conscious awareness into basic structures of thoughts, images and sensations.
Wundt's lab: (1879) first psychologist to create modern psychology
- strength=Wundt's methods were systematic and well controlled(scientific)
- limitation= subjective data. Relied on self reporting mental processes, may have inconsistent data if repeated suggesting a lack in reliability
- learning through association. Occurs when two stimuli are repeatedly paired together
- Pavlov showed how dogs could learn to salivate to the sound of a bell.
- Before conditioning the bell was the neutral stimulus, the food the unconditioned stimulus and the dog salivating the unconditioned response. After conditioning the bell will become the conditioned stimulus and the dog salivating will be the conditioned response.
- well controlled research, highly controlled lab settings e.g. skinner demonstrated clearly how reinforcement influenced animals behaviour.
- high scientific credibility + internal validity due to standardised procedures. falsifiable
- real world application of reinforcement
- determinism, ignores any free will
- ethical issues skinner box - animals were housed in poor conditions
- extrapolation of animal findings to humans
- simplistic- may be oversimplifying learning processes
- reductionism
- positive reinforcement
- negative reinforcement
- punishment
- rejects introspection
- relies on lab studies
- Believes in nurture over nature
- Tabula rasa- everyone is born from a blank state
Cognitive approach
Biological approach
Humanistic approach
Psychodynamic approach
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Maslow's hierarchy of needs
- five levelled hierarchical sequence in which physiological needs must be satisfied before higher needs can be
- order of stages = physiological needs, safety and security, love and belongingness, self esteem, self actualisation
- for congruence you need to be