Angel Gabrielle - God sent the Angel Gabrielle to visit Mary, who was promised to Joseph. You will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall call him Jesus, son of the most high God - He shall reigh over the house of Jacob forever.
Mary, a virgin, was highly favored by God and chosen to bear the Son of God by the Holy spirit.
Original Sin - Inherit sin of Adam and Eve which caused the expulsion from the Garden of Eden
Jesus - Son of God - born of the virgin Mary, crucified on the cross, rose from the dead - Savior of the world Jesus paid the ultimate price by dying in our place on the cross so that we may have life
Peter - the Rock - church shall be built upon the rock
12 Disciples of Jesus - Peter, Andrew, James, John, Phillip, Nathaniel, Matthew, Thomas, James the less, Simon the Zealot, Jude, and Judas Iscariot
Paul of Tarsus (Roman citizen, and persecutor of Christians - Called by God on the road to Damascus). Acts of the Apostles, deals with Paul's life and work. Of the 27 books in the New Testament, 13 are attributed to Paul and was written while imprisoned.
Christian mysticism - a tradition of mystical practices and theology. It's preparation for the consciousness of a direct and transformative presence of God" or Divine love - Union with God
Luther, Martin - Most influential figures in the history of Christianity - Pivotal role in the reformation
Apostolic Succession - The authority of the apostles through Jesus have been passed down through successive generations and continues to be present in the Roman Catholic Church but denied by most Prostestants
Gnostic Christianity - focus on salvation of select humans through their personal awakening to knowledge
Orthodox Christianity focus on salvation through the death and resurection of Jesus Christ - the Word became flesh
Protestant Reformation - movement led by Martin Luther - Battle between Eastern Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church in the West. Resulted in the division of Roman Catholicism to form new Protestant traditions - Lutheran, Calvinism, Angicans and Baptist.
Calvin - Calvinism's doctrine includes predestination, God's absolute sovereignty in the salvation of the soul from death and eternal damnation
John the Baptist - Elijah reborn to pave the way for the coming of Christ as it is written in Malachi 4: 5-6. He preached on the final judgment of God and that we should repent. Those who repented he baptised.
Council of Nicaea - First attempt to summon a general council of the whole church which consists of the Roman Empire - Search for the Christian Doctrine of God
Crusades - Series of religious wars supported and sometimes directed by Christian Latin Church in the medieval period to secure control of holy sites. There were 8 major Crusade expeditions the first between 1095-1291. These were often times ruthless and extremely violent
Marcion was a Christian heretic who believed that the God of the Old Testament (Creator) was different from the Father of Jesus Christ (God of Love)
Trinity - triune God - God the Father, God the Son and the Holy Spirit
Gospel of Mary Magdalene - believed to be gnostic writings but not authored by Mary herself. This writing do not support Christian teachings in the New Testament
Gospel of Thomas a/k/a Coptic Gospel of Thomas composed of 114 saying of Jesus. It is speculated that Syrian Christian group wrote the gospel who also held to esoteric, mystical, and ascetic ideas.
Gospel of Judas - non-canonical Gnostic gospel which includes 2nd century theology thought to have been composed by Gnostic Christians and not by Judas himself
Synoptic Gospels (3 gospels recounts that are similar in stories and sequence of the life and death of Jesus - Matthew, Mark and Luke)
Canonical Gospels (the only 4 gospels recognized by the Church - John, Matthew, Mark and Luke)
Gospel of John (referred to as the one Jesus loved. ) is one of the four accounts of Jesus' life. He speaks about Jesus' divine nature and mission to reveal God to the world through his death and resurrection on the cross.
Eastern Orthodoxy or Byzantine Christianity is one of three main branches of Chalcedonian Christianity. Other two being Roman Catholicism and Protestantism