Human development 4f0d141f343b1ea4f8208b6453180c69


The notion of human development

The theory of human capabilities

Healthy life


Political freedom and participation

Adequate working conditions

Adequate housing

Human capabilities and human rights

Promotion of well-being

Equality and non-discrimination

Empowerment and participation

Human rights and global justice

Interdependence of human rights

Global responsibility

International cooperation

The current context of the development debate

The context

Sustainable development

Global inequalities

Technology and digitalization

Citizen participation and governance

Human rights-based approach

Development concept review

Beyond economic growth

Human development and well-being

Sustainability and equity

Participation and empowerment

Local context and diversity

The dimensions of the review

Human development

Environmental sustainability

Equity and social justice

Participation and empowerment

Cultural context and diversity

The normative dimension

Human rights

social justice


Ethics and responsibility

Alternative reviews



Good Living (Sumak Kawsay)

Feminism and gender

Political ecology

The theoretical foundations of the human development approach

Amartya Sen and the capabilities

Martha Nussbaum and core capabilities

Human rights-based approach

Subjective well-being and quality of life

Participation and agency

The debate on the capabilities approach

Selection and measurement of capabilities

Relationship between capabilities and achievements

Relationship with economic development

Justice and rationale for the approach

Contextualization and applicability

Review of operating concepts

Application of functions

Performance evaluation

Conservation agency and processes

Contextualization of operations

The proposal of central human capabilities

Healthy life


Political participation

Freedom of thought

Freedom of association


Control over the environment

Critical issues in the capabilities approach

Universality and contextualization

Selection and measurement of capabilities

Individualistic approach

Normative and paternalistic approach

Operationalization and applicability

Well-being and human development

Well-being from the capabilities approach

The UNDP and the human development paradigm

Human Development Index (HDI)

Human Development Report (HDI)

Rights-based approach

Agenda 2030 and the sustainable development goals (SDGs)

The evolution of the concept of human development

First stage

Focus on integral human development (1970s and 1980s)

Human development paradigm (1990s and 2000s)