Mechanisms: Levers


Extra words

Fulcrum: Object or pivot on witch a elevator is acticved.

A lever is a rigid bar that is used with a point of support or a fulcrum.

The lever is balanced when the effort (F), multiplicated by its distance (d) is equal to the load (R) multiplicated by its distance from the fulcrum (r) Equation: F x d = R x r

balanced: in a state of equilibrium

Types of levers: Definition


They are classifed according to the possition of the load and the effort applied in relation to the fulcrum They are class 1, class 2 and class 3

Types of Levers: Types

Class 1: The load and the effort are on opossite sides on the fulcrum. The effect of effort can be multiplicated or reduced

Class 2: The load is between the effort and the fulcrum. The effect of the effort is always multiplicated.

Class 3: The load is between the fulcrum and the load. The effect of the effort is always reduced.

Class 1

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Class 2

Class 3

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