Flag Signaling


Hoist Identity signal of addressed

together with signal

No identity hoist

message to

all station in visual

Don't know ID


You should hoist your ID signal


What is the name or ID signal of your vessel


I wish to communicate with vessel bearing ... from me


Answering pennant


Hoist at the dip

Close up imediately

when understand

Lower to the dip

hoist is hauled down in the trasmitting station

Complete a signal

Trasmitting station

Answering Pennant

at the end


Not understood sinal


Your signal appears incorrectly coded. Check and repeat


Signal received but not understood


Need to repeat signal



repeats uppermost sinal


repeats second


repeats third

Spell signal


The words which follow are in plain language

acknowledged signal

Recon a meio

Recon no tope

Você Fala quem é

Coé, qual é Seu ID

Yscuta, Quero falar com você na marcação...

tá Zuado Li mas não entendi

tá Zuado, verifica Que está errado