Aseptic Non Touch Technique in radiology

Surgical ANTT

Standard ANTT

Usually used for operating theatres

Used for complex procedures

Only sterile equipment can be in contact with the sterile field

Areas that are being worked in have to be deep cleaned/disinfected

Staff activity is strictly controlled

Usually used for procedures such as wound care, venepuncture and taking blood products, changing of jejunostomy/gastrostomy tubes

Key parts are protected within a large main area

Key parts are essential parts of the procedure that have to stay sterile in order to not introduce infection. These are things such as equipment, needles, IV lines and catheters.

Working areas are cleaned/ wiped down

ANTT is essential at all times

Environmental risks are removed or avoided

Surgical Personal Protective Equipment

Standard Personal Protective Equipment

Hand cleaning with surgical scrub

Eye protection

Sterile gown and gloves

Hand washing with soap dispenser

Non sterile gloves. If key parts have to be touched then sterile gloves must be worn

Standard tie gown from wall dispenser