Within each course, professors' needs and wants will differ depending on the subject.
Example: In a course heavy on English components (lots of reading and writing), it is the professor's job to talk with their students about the importance of having the skills to write well.
-"Spell out on your syllabus that both what students write, and how they write, matters in your course, and make it so. Emphasize that writing is a skill that needs to be practiced, and that you are interested in what they — and not an AI editor or text generator — have to say."
-"AI, 'students may not see writing … as valuable since machines can mimic [human] skills.' We need to bolster students’ confidence in expressing themselves in writing."
-" The arrival of generative AI hampers faculty prospects for convincing students (and perhaps ourselves) that writing is a cognitive tool, a means of discovery, a uniquely precious form of human expression."