Concept Map 07:Endocrine, Vina Truong, Period 2

Major Functions of Endocrine System

Major Endocrine Structures

Homeostatic Mechanisms of Hormone Regulation

Steroid Vs Non Steroid hormones


Non Steroid

Made of up cells, tissues and organs- Endocrine glands

Secrete hormones into bodily fluids

Works with NS, to maintain homeostatis

Note: The system are not anatomically adjacent

Endocrine Organs

Include hormones produced, functions and target organs

Separate by region/body cavity

Endocrine Glands

Hormones diffuse into blood stream (act on specific target cells)

Certain glands secrete Messanger molecules- do not reach blood stream

Secrete hormones into body fluids

Examples: Estrogen, testosterone, aldosterone, cortisol

Derived from cholesterol

Peptides- antidireutic, oxytoxin, thyotropin releasing hormone

Amines, peptides, proteins or glycoproteins- DERIVED FROM AMINO ACIDS

Compare and Contrast

Non steroid- Not lipid soluable


Positive Feedback

Negative Feedback

NS influences Endocrine glands directly

Glands respond directly to changes in fluid composition

release of hormones from hypothalamus

Release of oxytoxin is controlled through positive feedback

Disorders Associated


Adrenal Sex Hormones

Hyperthyroidism and Hypothyroidism

Diabetes Mellitus- lack of insulin OR inability of cells to recognize insulin



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Diabetes Type I

Diabetes Type II

Cushing syndrome

Addison Disease

NS and Endocrine system

Endocrine System

Nervous System

Local hormones- Paracrine secretions (affect neighboring cells)

Autocrine secretions (affect only secretory cells)

Major Glands

Exocrine (secrete products into ducts outside int. environment)

Exndocrine (secrete hormones into body to affect target cells

Major glands

Binding site AND activity site

Hormone- First messanger

Combine with RECEPTORS in target cell membrane

Hormones receptor complex binds with DNA and ACITIVATES specific genes within it

Protein receptors- located INSIDE target cell

Lipid soluble - pass through cell membranes


Thyroid gland

Parathyroid gland

Pituitary Gland

Adrenal gland


Pineal gland

Reproductive Glands



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Specifity-post synaptic cleft responds

Speed of onset- Seconds

Chem. signal- neurotransmitter-synaptic cleft

Very brief, unless neuronal activity continues

Cells-neurons , conduct impulse

Glandular cells secrete hormones into BS

Target cells respond to hormone

Cells-Epithelialand others

Hormones have no effect on other cells

Seconds to hours, may be brief or last days

Chemical in cell that respond to binding of hormone and cause- changes- second messanger

Signal- transduction and cause- effects of hormone

Amines- Norepinephrine, Epi, thyroid hormones

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Polypeptides and proteins- parathyroid hormone, growth, prolactin

Glycoproteins- protein and carbs. FSH, LH, and TSTH


Beta cells destroyed, insulin production DECREASES or stops

Insulin produced, but not recognized by cells


GI Tract



Pituitary Gland

Controlled by hypothalamus

Releases and inhibits hormones from hypothalamus

Directly to ant. pituitary by hypophyseal portal veins

Posterior- Releases hormones in nerve impulses from hypothalamus

Posterior Pituitary

TSH- secretion of hormones from thyroid gland

GH- Stimulates growth

PRL- milk production after birth

ACTH- secretion of hormones from adrenal cortex

Anterior Pituitary

OT- oxytocin smooth muscle contraction

ADH- kidneys to CONSERVE water

FSH- follicle stimulating hormone- ovaries, male- production of sperm cells

LH- role in releasingg egg cell

Hormone levels rises, further secretion inhibits by negative feedback

Negative feedback controls hormone release

Hyperparathyroidism and Hypoparathyroidism

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OVeractivity of thyroid gland

Low metabolic rate, fatigue, weight gain

Infants: cause- cretinism poor Bone growth

Overactivity of Thyroid gland

High metabolic rate, restlessness, overeating

Eye protrusion


Caloric intake- Thyroxine

Blood calcium level, Bone growth- BMR

2 hormones:

Calcitonin- LOWERS blood calcium

Goiter- enlarged thyroid, bulge in neck



INCREASES blood calcium ion concrnentration

When blood calcium levels are TOO LOW

When blood calcium levels are TOO HIGH

Cause-: parathyroid tumor

Increase in blood calcium

Excess of PTH

Result: decrease in blood calcium

Deficiency of PTH, surgical removal, injury to glands

Adrenal glands


Adrenal hormones

Middle: fasciculata

Inner: reticularis

Outer: zona glomerulosa

Inner adrenal medulla:

Outer adrenal cortex:



Increase HR, BP, blood glucose, dilate airways, decrease digestive activities

Aldodestrone:MINERALCORTICOID- regulate electrolyte/mineral balance

Cortisol: GLUCOCORTICOID - glucose metabolism

Sex Hormones

Mostly male hormones

Prodocused by inner zone

Adrenal Androgens, supplement sex hormones from gonads

Hyposecretion of glucocorticoids, mineralcorticoids

Hypersecretion of adrenal cortisol hormones


Secretes digestive juice as exocrine gland

COntrol level ofblood glucose

Secretes hormones as endocrine


Glucagon- INCREASE blood level of glucose

Insulin- DECREASES blood level of glucose

Pineal, Thymus, other glands

Thymus- secretes thymosins - T lymphocytes

Heart - atrial natriuetic peptide affects sodium water excretion by kidneys

Pineal- Regulate of circadium rhythms, secretes melatonin

Kidneys - secrete erythropoietin blood cell production

Reproductive glands

Ovaries- estrogen and progesterone

Placenta- estrogen, progestrone, and gonadotropin

Testes- testosterone

Stress Responses

Stress response or general adaptation syndrome

Types of Stress

Physical- threatens survival of tissues, extreme cold, prolonged exercise, o2 deficiency, infections

Psychological- real or perceived dangers, feelings of anger, depression, fear, grief

Resistance stage: cortisol from adrenal cortex

Long term stress

Alarm stage: IMMEDIATE fight or flight response

Decrease of lymphocytes

Increase of high BP, antherosclerosis, GI ulcers

Increase blood amino acids, fatty acid release, glucose formation from non carbohydrates