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GOD - CREATOR Judaism - Coggle Diagram
Commandments 10 and 613 - There are 613 commandments in the Torah and 10 Commandments given to Moses from God on Mount Sinai
Rabbi Moses Ben Maimonides 13 Principles - An essence to the Jewish faith for understanding the divine relationship with humanity and is binding on every Jew
Belief in the existence of the Creator; Unity of God; Non-corporeality of God; Eternity of God; Exclusive worship of God; God communicates through prophecy; Primacy of Moses' prophecy; Divine origin of the Torah; Immutability of the Torah; God's omniscience and providence; Divine reward and retribution; Messiah and the messianic era and resurrection of the dead
Orthodox - upholding the Torah (first 5 books of the bible) both written and oral as revealed by God
Reform - working for change protected by religious sanctions and the prophets of Judah. Identified with progressive and liberal agendas in political and social terms in the hope of repairing the world.
The Temple was destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon around 587/6 BCE. He captured an enslaved the Jews and took whatever treasures were left to Babylon.
Conservative - upholds Jewish law and tradition as both binding and subject to historical development.
God created the Garden of Eden with all livings things.
Tree of knowledge of good and evil - Adam and Eve were to eat freely of all the trees except this tree
Serpent tricked Eve into eating the forbidden fruit by saying "you shall surely not die but become like God knowing good and evil"
Adam and Eve were expulsed from the Garden of Eden because they broke the first covenant God made with them to not eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil
God saw the wickedness of man, Noah found grace in the eyes of God - Noah, his 3 sons/wives along with 2 of every animal, birds and insects were saved from the Flood. God made a covenant with the earth (in the form of rainbow) that he would not end mankind by flood again.
Covenant (God made a covenant with Abram that if he would give him all the lands he can see before him. Abram, now Abraham because he would be the father of a nation - and Sarai would be Sarah because she will be a mother of nations - but they were old and childless
Sarah doubted God's promise; she gave her hand maid, Hagar to Abraham; they had a son Ishmael - Sent away by Sarah - they go to Arabia
Isaac, promised son of Sarah and Abraham, Abraham's sole heir. God told Abraham "Take your son, your only son Isaac, whom you love, and go to the region of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering. Abraham with unwavering faith was about to sacrifice his son when the angel of Lord called out and said "STOP" do not harm the boy a ram appeared for his sacrifice.
Isaac had Jacob and Jacob had 12 sons (12 tribes of Israel). Joseph, the 11th son was sold into slavery by his brothers. He became the most powerful man in Egypt, next to Pharoah. He brought his family to Egypt and saved them from famine. The family grew and were eventually enslaved for 400 years.
Early Prophetic Tradition - Prophets assumed that they were possessed by the divine because they felt a rush of ecstatic power
Apocalyptic Prophetic tradition - this replaced failed hopes for military victory - The law of nature would make way for a divine order - the Messiah
Moses was called by God to go to Pharoah and ash him to release his people from bondage. After 10 plagues they are released. God led them to the Promise Land
Job - this is a true picture of faithfulness - Job was attacked by Satan, (with God's permission), he lost everything but Job never gave up hope or lost faith. God