Step 1 Imagine you have to speak on a topic for a minute or two, or have been asked a question.
Step 2 Speak freely for as long as feels necessary to cover the topic/answer the question. You may find yourself rambling or repeating yourself. This is fine! Try not to edit yourself at this stage.
Step 3 Think about what you’ve just said, and what the most important parts are. Edit what you said down to 2 sentences. Speak them aloud.
Step 4 Pick out the most important words that convey the meaning - no more than seven. They don’t need to make sense as a sentence, but they might. Speak them aloud.
Step 5 From the 7seven words, which single word is the most important? Say it out loud, three times, with intention.
Step 6 Go back to the beginning and speak on the same topic, or answer the same question. You’re likely to speak quite differently now from when you spoke in Step 1. What bits of information do you leave out now? How does your voice sound? Which words are you emphasising that you didn’t before? How do you feel?