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Primary sources of law, Courts and Government Bodies, Secondary sources of…
Primary sources of law
National Labor Code
Wagner Act
Taft-Hartley Act
Landrum Griffin Act
Federal Legislation
State Legislation
Local Regulations
Japanese Constitution 日本国憲法
Civil Code 民法
National Government Legislation(Enforced by Prefectural staff) 政府立法
Courts and Government Bodies
Department of Labor
Wage and Hour Division
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
Office of Worker's Compensation Programs (OWCP)
Employee Benefits Security Administration (EBSA)
Office of Labor Management Standards
National Labor Relations Board
Equal Employement Opportunity Commision
Supreme Court
Federal Courts
Supreme Court 最高裁判所
High Court 高等裁判所
District Court 地方裁判所
Labor Tribunal 労働審判
Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare 厚生労働省
Labor Relations Board 労働委員会
Prefectural Labor Bureau 都道府県労働局
Employment Security Bureau 職業安定局
Secondary sources of law
Davis Bacon Act
Walsh Healey Act
Fair Labor Standard Act
Equal Pay Act
Fair Pay Act
Family and Medical Leave Act
Occupational Safety and Health Act
Immigration Reform and Control Act
Title VII of the Civil Rights act
Right to Work laws
The Labor Standards Act of 1947 労働基準法
Labor Union Act of 1945 労働組合法
Labor Contract Act 労働契約法
Minimum Wage Act 最低賃金法
Work Style Reform Law 働き方改革関連法
Labor Relations Adjustment Act労働関係調整法
Industrial Safety and Health Act 安全衛生法
Judges 裁判官
Labor Tribunal Commissioners (Labor and Management sides) 労働審判員
Employer 事業者
Employee 社員
Prefectural Labor Committee Member 都道府県労働局員
Dispute Adjustment Commission Members 労働関係争議調整委員
Labor Union Members 労働組合員
Judges (All Levels)
Defense Attorneys
Union Leaders
Corporate CEO's
HR Heads
National Labor Relations Board General Consul
Secretary of Labor