Around 1-2 years later, we could go back to school again, but it wasn't normal school. There was A.M and P.M classes, like we what my sister Jemile had when she was in Pre-K3. Our year 6 class was divided into 2 groups. One class would be in the morning, 7-11:30 a.m and the other class was in the afternoon, 12-4:30 ish. I was in P.M and most, if not all my friends were in A.M. I became closer with my friends in the P.M group. I actually enjoyed going to school and I think it was mostly because of the terrible online learning experience I had myself. But to go to school, we needed to get vaccinated.
I remember getting my first vaccine. My parents had gotten the vaccine before me and complained about how their arms hurt badly and even my parents friend's as well. When I got mine, it didn't hurt, on the spot I didn't feel any pain. But after a day or two, I started to feel pain on my shoulder where the vaccine was given. It hurt a lot, even when I would bend my arm slightly or move it a little bit. My mom didn't get the vaccine we got but the Pfizer since she was still feeding my brother and was worried something might happen to him because of the vaccine. I got my second vaccine a couple weeks later and the pain was only slightly better.