33 Strategies of War

Self Directed Warfare

1#Declare War on Your Enemies

2# Do not fight the last war

Control Emotions, Judge by Actions, Elevate Yourself Above the Battlefield, Be more like Athena not like Ares, Spiritualize Your Warfare.

Subtly Push Them - To test if they are hiding ;) Let them go ahead further, let them take another step to confirm suspicion.

Cut your eyes from the past and open them for the present.

Let go of all books, techniques, formulas, flashy weapons and become your own strategist.

Adapt to the circumstances.

Focus intensely on the present moment.

Your only principle should be to have no principles.

When faced with new situations, imagine that you know nothing and that you need to learn everything again.

Erase the memory of the last War - Even if you won.

Keep the mind moving - The childlike mind.

Absorb the spirit of the times - See the trends, adapt, change your style, avoid pitfalls.

Reverse Course - Put yourself into a new situation, unusual circumstance or start over.

Do this in relationships, break up the stale patterns.

Amidst the Turmoil of Events, Do Not Lose Your Presence of Mind

You must stay decisive, aggressive and confident no matter what hits you. Make the mind tougher by exposing it to adversity.

We need to double the resolve - More Confidence. Save the carefulness for the hours of preparation.

Presence of Mind is the ability to detach, to see the whole battlefield, the whole picture with clarity.

To attain this - Expose yourself to conflict, Face Your Fears, Have a sense of Honor and Dignity, Be Self Reliant, Expand Your Number of Skills, Trust Yourself More and Others Less.

Distinguish between small matters and larger issues. Others do the small you take care of the large.

Detach yourself when encountering fools, give them a bone some times, but don't waste energy stay cheerful in the face of fools.

Focus on small tasks that you're good at when feeling any kind of fear, learn to control your imagination at intense moments.

Unintimidate Yourself - See the person not the myth, they're mortal, just like you.

Develop your intuition. Act QUICKLY - Life loves SPEED.

Deeply know the terrain, the spirit of men and the material. Get your mind into making blitz decisions.

Confidence, Fearlessness & Self Reliance - DAILY.

Make your enemy be the opposite of this, Elicit as much emotion as you can in them.

Create a Sense of Urgency and Desperation

If you can't afford to lose, you won't.


Get rid of the safety net.

Death Ground

Stake everything on a single throw. Burn the boats.

Act before you are ready.

Enter new waters.

Make it "You against the world"

Keep yourself restless and unsatisfied.

Lack of Energy = Lack of Challenges, Take Risks, Never Settle Down.

Invoke opposite feelings in your enemies.

Organizational (Team) Warfare

Avoid The Snares of Groupthink

Make yourself look like a paragon of fairness, but never relinquish unity of command.

The Line of Command Has to be clear, the top is to blame for error. Adapt your leadership style to the weaknesses of your subordinates.

What leaders are, that, as a rule will the men below them be.

Remote Control - Through Subordinates which you train.

Choose men that fulfill your deficiencies, but be careful not to choose only by resume, but character.

Have Directed Telescopes in every part of the organisation - Basically Direct Info Spies.

Find the Political Moles and get rid of them.

Don't make your commands too broad or narrow, deliver them with style.

Segment Your Forces

Fluidity & Decentralization > Centralized Forces, each troop with it's own mini you. Tell them what to do, not how to do it.

Strategy = Having More Options than the enemy.

Fluid staff structure, learning from doing, mission command.

Find exercises to increase the troops knowledge of and trust of each other. Genghis' Great Hunt.

Discipline, training & high standards = A winning team, no cuddly bullshit.

Structure the team towards the strenghts and weaknesses of the people inside them, understand the zeitgeist as well.

Transform Your War Into a Crusade

Man Management

  1. Unite your troops around a cause, make them fight for an idea. Progressive, for the future, spiritual with a common enemy.
  1. Keep their bellies full - Make sure their material needs are met.
  1. Lead from the front - Practice what you preach, make them run to keep up with you.
  1. Concentrate their ch'i - Aggressive action, inaction breeds selfishness.
  1. Play to their emotions - Lower their defenses first, let them bond etc, and then invoke other emotions, a good sense of drama.
  1. Reward and Punishment - Make both rare, make the punishment the high standards set. Kindness and warm comments should be rare.
  1. Build the group myth. - Brand the group, start with small battles that they can win, slowly let them build their confidence. Create slogans, symbols that fit the myth.
  1. Be ruthless with grumblers. - Use your best soldiers to set an example, quickly isolate the naggers/grumblers.

Recruit more on character than resume. Those willing to die for the cause, and preaching your gospel.

Defensive Warfare

Pick your battles carefully - The Perfect Economy Strategy

Look at the goodwill lost, the fury of the loser, the time it might take, your debts - The costs of war.

Ground yourself - What skills, political advantage, materials etc. are at your disposal?

Use deception - Propaganda, Intelligence etc.

Look for enemies you can beat, do not focus on those who have nothing to lose they will trade their whole lives to take you down.

When you don't economize perfectly, which will happen, do not solider on out of frustration.

Waste as many resources of your enemies' as possible.

Turn the Tables - The Counterattack Strategy

Exploit the emotion your enemies are prone to.

Every problem has a solution, Every enemy is vulnerable, a weakness can be a strength, a strength a weakness.

Art of war = Well reasoned and extremely circumspect defense followed by a rapid and audacious attack. - Napoleon

Create a Threatening Presence - Deterrence Strategies.

You're a little crazy, you take others down with you etc. Showcase this in a few impressively violent acts.

Surprise with a bold maneuver.

Reverse The Threat.

Seem unpredictabe and irrational.

Play on people's natural paranoia.

Establish a frightening reputation.

Trade Space for Time - The Nonengagement strategy

Time lost can never be regained.

Remaining disciplined and calm while waiting for disorder to appear amongst the enemy is the art of self-possession.

Retreat can only be temporary, at some point you have to engage in combat. Otherwise you lost.

Offensive Warfare

Using offensive strategies aims at creating so much friction in the strategy of the enemy that they collapse.

Grand Strategy - Lose the Battle, Win The War

What are your goals? What skills and talents do you posses? Visualize your destiny in glorious detail.

This action will advance me toward my goal, this one will lead me nowhere. - THINK

Grand strategists think and plan further into the future, before taking action.

Forgetting Our Objectives is the most frequent act of stupidity.

Focus on your greater goal, YOUR DESTINY.

Specific, Detailed, Focused Goals. - Clearly Visualize Them. They must be based in Reality. It must have grandeur.

Widen Your Perspective

See things from the enemy' point of view. Ground yourself in objectivity. Have a keen eye for the politics of the situation. Being Political = Understanding People, Seeing Through Their Eyes.

Sever The Roots

Dig Deep, Do not Take Appearances for Reality, Sever Them as they start to sprout not too late, preemptive action.

Take The Indirect Route To Your Goal

The first step of the campaign should always be merely a setup.

War is almost always about the pursuit of a policy that cannot be realized in any other way than through force.

When something goes wrong, look at the policy that caused it.

Controlling your emotions, doesn't mean repressing them, but using them to their best effect. - Plan ahead as best you can, when time comes to move, MOVE.

Know Your Enemy - The Intelligence Strategy

Don't let narcissism act as a screen between you and other people. You must get inside their way of thinking.

Get trust, mirror him, be his twin, when the day comes, destroy him.

The trick is to have a friendly front, pose as a friend, act as a spy. Look at their eyes, let them open up.

You need to know how much fight people have in them.

Always have multiple spies, make them be friends rather than just 'employees'.

Your knowledge must be timely, not just deep, as the enemy changes and adapts.

Be formless & Inscrutable. Do not allow them to read you. Throw them fake signals.

Blitzkrieg Strategy

Slow Slow Quick Quick - Find their weakness, prepare yourself, let them lower their guard and then strike.

The less a thing is foreseen the more fright it causes.

Only speed beats speed. Start out slow, lull them in, then attack quickly.

Control The Dynamic - Forcing Strategies

Controlling the overall direction and framing of the battle, anything they do will play into your hands.

Recognize the struggle for control in all aspects of life, don't be blinded by those lying they are not interested in control. You must master moving the other side like pieces on a chess board.

Determining peoples moods, the pace at which they move, the stakes involved - You will find that anything people do fits into the dynamic you created.

Keep them on their heels

Shift the battlefield

Compel Mistakes

Assume Passive Control

Make sure they cannot execute their strategy and frustrate them so that they make mistakes. You bait them into traps, you give them no time.

Meaning you make them fight on your terms, what's being fought over, who is involved etc.

Blitzkrieg, keeping them defensive and reactive will destroy morale.

You let them think they are in control, move with the energy but choose the direction. Best way to control the aggressive and the passive aggressive.

One who is excellent at warfare compels men and is not compelled by others.

Hit Them Where it Hurts - The Center of Gravity Strategy

Find that one thing that they rely on - Their Source of Power, strike there.

Power depends on balance and support - What is holding your enemy up?

Money, Popularity, Skillful maneuvering, some other advantage.

If your enemies are individuals - What is their psychology, what makes them tick, what is the structure of their thinking and priorities?

Defeat them in detail - The Divide and Conquer Strategy

Divide them, strike fast at their center of gravity, do not allow them to communicate and come together, if they do make sure they are unable to coordiante.

When dividing your forces make sure that they are able to keep communicating and that you combine them at some point.

Your division is temporary, strategic and controlled.

Expose and Attack Your Opponents Soft Flank - The Turning Strategy

The Flank is the path to power - Caesar using Kindness against Pompey.

Hit them frontally - As a fake move, then hit their flank.

Indirect Attack - Weaken Their Defenses.

Use charm, persuasions, humor, flattery, gifts etc. To Disarm and take their attention to the front. Then hit their flank (Subtly Implanting an idea)

Beware of occupying an opponents flank at the expense of your own.

Envelop The Enemy - The Annihilation Strategy

Surrounding them, unpredictable attacks, tight noose.

Luring the enemies into an encirclement trap - Always make sure they feel like they are in control.

This strategy should only be used if you're pretty sure you can execute it.

Maneuver Them Into Weakness - The Ripening For the Sickle Strategy

Give Yourself Room to Maneuver

Give your enemy dilemmas, not problems.

Craft a plan with branches

Create maximum disorder.

Create multiple paths (branches) using detailed analysis.

You have to find free space, you must have an unfettered mind.

Give them options - All of them bad, problems can be solved, dilemmas not.

This disorder is good for you, debilitating for the enemy. Be hard to read.

Attrition vs Maneuver Warfare.

Let your opponent commit itself, then show the contrast between you and them, after they change, point out their inconsistencies.

Limit yourself to options you can control.

Negotiate While Advancing - The Diplomatic War Strategy

When weak use it to buy time, when strong take as much as possible but give a little back to show generosity.

You must carefully analyze what leverage you have, be well prepared.

Because what I know what I want and what the others are capable of I am completely prepared - Meternich.

People are only nice and generous because it suits them.

If you are weak, negotiate for a lot, be confident.

Always be a warrior in negotiations.

The goal is to satisfy your own interests, but prevent the other side from feeling wronged.

Know How to End Things - The Exit Strategy

The worst way to end a conflict is SLOWLY and PAINFULLY.

Before entering an engagement determine how exactly will it end and where will it leave you?

If the answers seem vague, the win alluring and failure somewhat dangerous - You are likely gambling.

End such conflict quickly, with a strong violent blow to win, or cut your losses. Short Term Defeat > Long Term Disaster. Wisdom is knowing when to end.

To go too far is as bad to fall short.

Either do not attempt it or carry it through to the end.

The only real ending is DEATH, everything else is just a TRANSITION.

You must end things WELL. Plan past the end, the aftermath.

It is always best to end with energy and flair, on a high note. At the peak of enjoyment and liveliness.

See defeat as something that makes you stronger, don't apologize too much, see it as something to improve upon. Stand tall, don't be bitter or defensive.

If defeat is inevitable go down SWINGING.

End on a note of mystery and doubt ;)

Dirty Warfare

Misperception Strategies - Fact and Fiction

Control Peoples Perceptions of Reality and you control them.

Deception should mirror reality. - Hitlers D Day

We Filter reality through our emotions and preconceptions. - Incorporate things that are visibly true.


The Hypnotic Pattern

Decoy Attack

Planted Information

The False Front

Shadows Within Shadows

Present a weak front. - In politics show virtue, honesty, uprightness. Don't appear to be a hypocrite.

Show to the world the opposite of what you plan on doing.

Sending troops to multiple points to disperse their army.

It's good to blend into the social camouflage, to not call attention to yourself. Being able to blend into the environment to conceal your activity.

People get used to your pattern, then hit them with something different for a surprise. Once deceived they will think you will change the tactic, just repeat it. :)

When passing this kind of information, you want to keep the person passing it out of the loop, give them truths with it as well.

Where truth and falsehood, good and bad all merge into one. And It's impossible to get one's bearings straight.

If you become known as a deceiver, become honest and straightforward for a while.

The Line of Least Expectation - Ordinary/Extraordinary Strategy

Work outside the enemy's experience

Stuff they've read or heard isn't stuff they'd experienced which determines their actions and reactions.

Unfold the extraordinary out of the ordinary

A nice dance of the two - Hypnotization of ordinary + Extraordinary surprise.

Act crazy like a fox

Act crazy, do something random.

Keep the wheels in constant motion

  • Challenge your own ideas and mind - Break old habits, act in a way contrary to how you have operated in the past

No one is so brave that he is not disturbed by something unexpected.

There is a higher price to pay for slavishly conforming to the average. Imitate no one, operate according to your own ideas.

I have forced myself to contradict myself in order to avoid conforming to my own taste.

The Moral High Ground - Righteous Strategy

It is a world of angles not angels, where we speak of moral principles but act on power principles, where we are always moral and our enemies immoral.

Use strong words, speak in black and white. It is hard to get people to fight for the grey area.

You must always attack first in the moral region, point out hypocrisies and always be the liberator if attacking.

Live up to your words and actions in public to defend against such attacks, to do the dirty work use an agent and prep a good moral defence.

Deny Them Targets - The Strategy of The Void.

Be elusive, small cells, living off of the enemy. - Draw the enemy out slowly. Finish them off by letting them die themselves or increasing aggression.

Seem to work for the interests of others while furthering your own - The Alliance Strategy

Find allies in which both of you have self interests. Otherwise alliances based on emotion are false alliances.

Enter action under the cover of helping someones interests, while advancing yours.

Alliance Game

Look who can best advance your interests at the moment.

A variation is to play the central position.

Divide and conquer other alliances.

Look for tangible benefits from the alliance, don't be fooled by emotions, good looks, charm.

Give Your Rivals Enough Rope to Hang Themselves - The One Upmanship Strategy

Rivals have the seeds of self destruction, get them to feel defensive and inferior.

Attack them - Not Directly, Subtly - Then follow up with a rumor

They must die by their own sword and it must seem that way to everyone.

Make them put their ambition and selfishness on display. Arouse those ugly emotions in them until they lash out.

Give Vague Advice to Place Your Position - Gamesmanship

To the ones with the feeling of intellectual superiority - Make a mockery by quoting their words and ideas back at them in slightly grotesque form.

We often give rivals the means of our own destruction

Take Small Bites - Fait Accompli Strategy

Do not lower your ambitions, disguise them.

People hate confrontation and try to avoid it, they experience a big fear of loss, thus becoming passive aggressive, remember this.

Break your big idea into small components - Nothing is more therapeutic than action.

Take a larger bite than usual, give a bit back - Builds generosity.

To counter this strike fast and forcefully.

Penetrate Their Minds - Communication Strategies

Bring people to a childlike state - Get them to feel emotions, put them into dazzling them with images, symbols and sensory cues.

To the bored entertain them, to the young speak violently, to the leaders indirectly. You cannot use direct transfer to implant ideas.

Let them connect the dots on their own - Use socratic thinking.

Silence, Innuendo, Loaded Details, Deliberate Blunders - Make people feel like they are included in the idea.

Deeds and results do not lie - Applying this as a barometer to communication yours and others.

Failure to communicate is the fault of an unstrategic communicator.

When people talk in generalities - 'Liberty', 'Justice' etc. Be suspicious. - Pay Attention to the Form in Which People Express Themselves - Do Not Take Whats Said at Face Value

Destroy From Within - The Inner Front Strategy

Join a group, but your only alliance remains with yourself. Destroy them from within.

Penetrate the center either in thought or in action.

Keep the number of your conspirators low, don't give out more than necessary info, and don't let the date be known shortly before the start. Don't change plans when announced. Have enough to get the implementation working, too little and nothing gets done even if successful.

Dominate While Seeming to Submit - The Passive Aggressive Strategy

Counter also with Aggressive Passivity - Show a mean front but stay calm

Counter it by cutting them off fully or Doing the Same to them.

Sow Uncertainty and Panic Through Acts of Terror

Victory is gained not by the number killed but number frightened.

Counter by rallying for unity, deploying intelligence and cutting the funds of the terrorists.