1Cb)_The Concept of the Aesthetic美的概念
1.The Concept of Test 品味的概念
2.The Judgment of Taste品味的判断
3.The Concept of the Aesthetic美的概念
3.10Aesthetic Culture 审美文化
3.2 Aesthetic Objects审美的对象
3.1What is Aesthetics?什么是美学?
3.3Aesthetic Judgment审美判断
3.4Art Judgment艺术判断
3.5The Aesthetic Attitude审美态度
3.6 Aesthetic Experience审美体验
3.7Aesthetic Value审美价值
3.8Aesthetics and the philosophy of art美学与艺术哲学
3.9Aesthetics in Design ≠ Art美学在设计中≠艺术
3.10审美文化Aesthetic Culture
3.11Aesthetic type审美类型
3.12Aesthetic phenomenon审美现象
1.1The theory of classical beauty古典美的理论
1.2Classical art theory古典的艺术理论
1.3Rationalism about beauty美的理性主义
1.4Immediacy即时性 感官直接判断
1.5The perception of beauty is both rational and perceptual美的感知即有理性又是感性的
1.6Aesthetic Disinterest审美的纯粹性
2.3Recasting Normativity重塑普遍性
2.4Normativity and Pleasure规范性和乐趣
2.5Judgments of Taste and the Big Question对品味的判断和一个大问题